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Comment Re:In case you missed the anime convention (Score 1) 937

It's what Cairns-Smith called the bomb in the basement of modern physics.
I interpret it as suggesting that even after you've described all particles, forces, fields and laws, there will still be something left to explain. Also known as "some things transcend Human understanding". You can be an atheist and believe this, by the way.

Yes indeed, It's approximately 4.669 201 609 102 990 671 853 203 821 578(...). We want a Deterministic system and predictable on an emotional level, it feeds our needs in Maslow's hierarchy of needs, if we don't find order and predictability in our religion, we tend to look to science.
Science can't yield the predictability because the initial conditions are unknowable in the microseconds of the big bang.

Comment Re:Wrong Title (Score 1) 499

, Barr answered “no” when asked if she had ever been a member of an organization “dedicated to the use of violence” to overthrow the U.S. government or to prevent others from exercising their constitutional rights.

However, according to an OPM summary report that served as the basis for NSF’s decision, Barr was being less than forthright. “You provided no information regarding your affiliations with subgroups of M19CO—a known terrorist organization,” the report notes. Her answers during the interview, it concluded, “constituted a deliberate misrepresentation, falsification, deceit, or omission of material fact.”

I'm not sure the Government has established that Barr could resonably have been expected to known that the Women’s Committee Against Genocide and the New Movement in Solidarity with Puerto Rican Independence were subgroups of The May 19 Communist Organization (M19CO), and that that organization was "a known terrorist organization”, “dedicated to the use of violence”. I would hope that because the Government is prohibited from interfering with the people's right to speech and peacably assemble, that it in total and it's member's as individuals would hold themselves to a higher standard of conduct.

Comment Re:Wrong Title (Score 1) 499

I know for a fact that the forms you submit to the OPM ask you in plain English "have you ever belonged to an organization dedicated to the violent overthrow of the US government"

How many degrees of separation are they talking about, how do they define "dedicated". "violent overthrow", I know what that means, but a government bureaucrat can mission creep that into just about anything. If you have belonged to any organization, then some rogue government agent who's gone off the rails can demonstrate that you've belonged to a group or sub-group of a terrorist organization.

Comment Re:Talking Point (Score 1) 427

You moved the goalposts, you're the first in this thread to ask for raw data, as in unadjusted daily (not monthly) values. That's gigabytes of data you're asking for which may not exist anymore - ...

If the raw data doesn't exist, (Phil Jones admited it was destroyed shortly after Climategate) then the results can't be replicated, and if the results can't be replicated it isn't science.

Comment Re:Talking Point (Score 1) 427

The hiatus still continues.
And yes there is a hiatus nowdays even in the mainstream pro-agw camp, saying otherwise makes you a denier.

Turns out that this is a misleading talking point.

from your link

Unfortunately, however, the hiatus looks likely to be temporary, with projections suggesting that when the trade winds return to normal strength, - See more at:

If the hiatus is a misleading talking point, why are the warmistas trying so hard to spin it into a supposedly temporary event? There been something like 38 different hypotheses as to why the warming has stopped for eighteen years.

Comment Re:news for nerds? (Score 1) 215

221,925,820 was the Voting-Eligible Population, so that would increase the percentage to 29.7%, so way less than a third of eligable voters voted for Obama; 131,799,320 voted for either Obama or Romney so only 59.4% voted period.

On Nov 6, 2012 US population was 314,760,969, 131,799,320 / 314,760,969 = 41.87%, so if all of the people who voted, had voted for Obama it still wouldn't be a majority of all Americans.

Comment Re:Get used to it (Score 1) 215

ISIS is only part of the regional struggle of Islamic extremists centered around al Qaida to overthrow the governments in many of the countries.

No they want to eliminate All of the countries, not many of the countries and establish a Caliphate or in other words a Religious Dictatorship, one that would probably make the Iranians look like a bastion of freedom. Of course when the Caliphate doesn't become the "Paradise on Earth" that was promised, it's because the Infadels just over the boarder still exist, justifing yet another Jihad.

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