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Comment Re:Privacy battle (Score 1) 246

Actually I think a shorter sentence and a very blatant and publicly announced requirement to reimburse the people for the cost of the SWAT response, the local business to be reimbursed for lost revenue, the Public to be reimbursed for the cost of the prisoner's room and board costs, the public to be reimbursed for the costs of the Perpetrator’s Parole/Probation . Also it goes without saying that SWATTING is terrorist act, so you'll be on the no-fly list and banned from having a cell phone and any internet connection.

Comment Re:call the library ? (Score 1) 246

I'm having a hard time coming up with any scenario where the perpetrators would hole up in a public building and NOT want police and media attention.

How about the some dickwad wants to cream his jeans watching the SWAT drama unfold from the building across the street scenario; or even some wanabe perp reconnoitering the police response to fine-tune an intended future attack scenario?

Comment Re:The future is here (Score 1) 197

In reality, the difference between a privately owned and operated franchised dealership and a company owned dealership is minuscule. The franchisee buys from the manufacturer, finances through the manufacturer, the franchise, the floor-plan, the parts, the tools and provides all of the mandatory employee training. Any time the Franchisee does anything the Manufacturer doesn't like they can shut the franchise down.

Comment Re:Not so fast (Score 1) 140

The Hawk missile MIM-23 had a 54 Kg warhead that produced approximately 4,000 8-gram (0.28 oz) fragments that move at approximately 2,000 meters per second (6,600 ft/s) in an 18 degree arc; the MIM-23B 74 kg (163 lb) blast-fragmentation warhead produces approximately 14,000 2-gram (0.071 oz) fragments that cover a much larger 70 degree arc.
The MIM-104 Patriot M248 Composition B HE blast/fragmentation with two layers of pre-formed fragments and Octol 75/25 HE blast/fragmentation, weighes in at 200 lb (90 kg).
Any of those warhead would be pretty devastating to an Airship.

Comment Re:Hindenburg? (Score 1) 140

You are assuming that this Airship is in fact bouyant where

The airship was a hybrid air vehicle (HAV) and had a number of advantages over fixed-wing unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). A HAV uses aerodynamic lift like a conventional airplane to take off before using helium to keep it in the sky once it is airborne. Engines on board are then used to move while it monitors events on the ground.[15] The LEMV’s skin - a blend of Vectran, Kevlar, and Mylar - would have been able to cope with a “reasonable amount of small arms fire.”[15] Northrop estimated that the biggest threat to the craft was weather, where high winds or thunderstorms could buffet the craft. Hybrid Air Vehicles HAV-3

that is not the case. The design isn't even that radical, Mc Phee envisioned hybrid airships 3 times the size of the Airlander back in the late '70s.

Comment Re:Let them know (Score 3, Insightful) 188

Emails are pretty useless, if you actually go through the effort to compose a real letter and send it through the mail with a stamp that costs real-world money, now that gets some attention! Also Congress-Critter's brains are hard-wired for reciprocity so be sure to inform them of your past support and that their support on this matter will make future support of them easier for you.

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