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Comment Re:Aspergers, LOL (Score 1) 289

Some people are just so inhertently hostile toward toward autistic spectrumites, I've often wondered if it wasn't due to some psycological pathology, perhaps like xenophobia. Another possibility is that the displayed social rigidity is a symptom of autistic spectrum conditions, that it's more like the homophobic gay people.

Comment Re: Aspergers, LOL (Score 1) 289

It probably doesn't help that this child is enrolled at a private school, too. While those who earned their own wealth can sometimes be reasonable people, those who got it handed to them by their parents are almost always entitled little shits who see themselves as far more important than they really are. Get a bunch of them together in a clsssroom, and of course there will be snobbery and social disfunction. That's just what happens when there are too many roosters trying to rule a small roost.

Don't worry, the second generation usually does OK, the third generation usually either loses it all, or is consumed with liberal guilt and gives it away.

Comment Re:More liberal than libertarian (Score 1) 580

I have no issue with vaccines. I have an issue with government usurping the power to decide what medical treatment I will undergo.

I would submit that few children in daycare have the faculties to make a competent informed consent or refusal of medical treatment. Furthermore the rights of people to refuse treatment is a separate issue from people's rights to be protected from public danger.

Comment Re: WTF (Score 1) 297

"If the data being used against your arguments is so faulty, let it be put out there and publish your paper proving their conclusions wrong. "
We'd all love the AGW-deniers to do exactly that. They don't. Instead they libel--as proven in a court of law.

See there it is, the warmest say they don't libel, but they go full-monkey mode flinging the poo of the thinly veiled Holocaust Denier Ad Hominen, in the first sentence.

Comment Re:Children are not property. (Score 3, Insightful) 297

I guess the only question is, how far do you take it when determining that somebody is harming their children. I definitely think that everybody except the tiny percentage of individuals who have a medical condition should be vaccinated against things like measles. But I'm not so sure about things like chicken pox or the flu vaccine.

If your child is stricken with a disease that has high potential of death, significant injury, loss of function or disfigurement or the same to others, and that disease is preventable through vacination, and you failed to provide that vacination that would meet the standard of harming their children or endangering the public in my mind.

As far as flu, people die from that, my Mother was hospitalized just last month for the flu, while my Dad was in the ICU after arresting while being treat for pneumonia that was as likely as not to have been triggered by having the flu. My Dad never came out of the hospital and was on a respirator for 6 weeks; Mom back in the Hospital because she never regained enough strength and is now refusing treatment so she'll pass away soon too.

My attitude right now is to tell the antivaxers to STFU and get the Kids their shots, if your kid goes deaf because of a fever due to having measles, I'd throw your ass in prison.

Comment Re:Biofuel Refinery Process not so pretty (Score 1) 56

Biodiesel is relatively easy to make, evey thing you would need to know can be found here. The stuff is actually a handy non-toxic cleaner-degreaser. I'm surprised that somebody just dumped the glycerin, it's valuable in it's own right, it makes a very desirable soap, and can be used in foods and cosmetic, or even as a fuel.

Comment Re:The switch could make things worst (Score 1) 224

Don't worry, anytime Gmail sees Bank of America it sent straight to the spam bin! But seriously, my wife has never and will never conduct a credit card transaction over the phone or internet, yet her cards have been fraudulently used 3 times. She also has another woman who lives near by with the same first and last name and same middle initial, her driver's licience and Social Security numbers are only one digit different, we found that out while trying to clear a miss-applied tax lien on our property, I suspect we paid a few of her medical bills as well. The grocery store decline our check thinking one of her bounced checks was from us as well.

Comment Re: Not a laywer. (Score 1) 224

Furthermore, I don't know of any current standard for e-mail encryption that is widely supported. No idea on how to create a key - let alone how to securely and easily exchange keys with random recipients (like a client who calls me asking me to send them some information by e-mail).

The beauty of Public Key Encryption is the public key tells the encryption software how to encrypt the measage in a way that only the owner of the public key can decrypt. To decrypt you need the private key which you should keep as a private personal secret. You can publish the public key anywhere, and exchange it any way you see fit. Slashdot either does or did at one time, an area where users can publish their public keys.

Sounds to me like your getting PKE, Public Key Encryption, confused with Kerberos an encrypted authetication protocol.

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