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Comment Re:And some say Obama isn't a Republican (Score 4, Insightful) 425

There's a false dichotemy. Everyone's moved to the right to the point that Mitt Romney's quite successful healthcare program is considered "socialist" if you attach Obama's name to it (actual socialized medicine is quite different)

There is no left any more. Obama's continued warmongering is the best evidence.

Comment Windows should go 64-bit exclusively (Score 1) 554

My first 64 bit chip was the Athlon64 back in 2003 -- over a decade ago. If you're a developer in a compiled language, you presently either must (a) make a 32 bit version and ship it for both or (b) make separate versions and make yourself a support/testing nightmare. No surprise -- most developers opt for (a).
...but in a way, that makes using x64 Windows moot. Since there's no software for it (other than the OS itself a web browser or two), why switch? From extra registers, to more available memory, to the no-execute bit -- there's many good reasons to be using 64 bit software.

The real reason, of course, is that many business run ancient 16-bit applications that won't run under a 64-bit OS. This could be fixed with an emulator, but MS, unlike Apple, doesn't have a history of making backwards incompatible moves tha ultimately improve its platform.

Comment Re:About god damn time.. (Score 2) 644

...which I may add, does not work on Linux. Ctrl+C is break, so most terms use Ctrl+Shift+C. It didn't really become apparent how weird this was before I started using a Mac, where Command+C and Command+V were consistent across both the normal programs and the CLI.

Comment Related work? (Score 1) 192

Perhaps the flaw is identifying the "deliberate practice" as the only dependent variable. For example, I play guitar. I'm probably better than other people who have put in the same amount of practice time than I have, since I've put in 10 years on clarinet. Those ten years of music experience, give me an ability to interpret rythym, understand some music theory, read notes quickly, hear pitch, etc. than someone who is "just picking it up".

Similarly, I know some quite good chess players who play Go as well -- one of whom is the champion of a small Nordic country. A player of Shogi recently switched to chess -- and he's quite good. Or perhaps, a good COBOL programmer could be a good Swift programmer with less effort?

There's very little in the article discussing the role of "related skills" -- and perhaps this can help explain the gap.

Comment Re:This has nothing to do with wasting food (Score 1) 385

I'm happy when there's a good discussion of huge political issues here on /. -- I remember reading on 9/11/2001 and recently when we decided to bomb another country in the Middle East and enjoying the information and perspective this community brings. I would even argue having more of it is better. However, those are stories which are important and warrant attention from everyone -- regardless of which OS is your favorite (i.e. "Stuff that Matters"). It's good to hear from a self-moderated community rather than a bunch of suits claiming to be experts on cable TV.

This summary is just self-serving political propaganda.

Comment Re:I agree, 100% (Score 1) 478

You have no idea about Shaw do you? If you put together a bunch of Stephen Colbert quotes, it's clear that Colbert loves totalitarianism as well.

Shaw was advocated for such revolutionary ideas as equal rights for women and was against eugenics. "Shaw often used satiric irony to mock those who took eugenics to inhumane extremes and commentators have sometimes failed to take this into account" I guess you are one of those idiots?

Comment For Orbital Mechanics and Astrophyiscs (Score 1) 234

Check out Kerbal Space Program. You can build rockets, send them into orbit, land on the moon, and learn about concepts like apoapsis, retrograde burns, orbital transfers, and learn astrophysics -- plus it's simple enough I've seen multiple dads who have a blast playing with their kids. It runs on Linux/Mac/Windows and has a good free demo.
...but does it really teach orbital mechanics? Oblig XKCD says yes;)

Comment Depends on your definition of "terrorist" (Score 1) 183

Before "terrorism", there was communism. Before communism, there were anarchists who assassinated an American president.

The FBI once called Martin Luther King Jr. "the most dangerous man in America" (and given death threats). Sartre wrote about suicide bombing as terrorism in the 40's (and thought it was going out of style! page 80).

Tyrants in the US government have always used name calling in the name of "national security" to justify whatever inhumanities they wish to commit. "Terrorism" is not new; its use as a boogey man to scare the citizenry into the creation of a surveillance state is.

Comment Re:Cue the Bozos (Score 2) 981

Cue the bozos, who, due to Slashdot hivemind, are now required to post "So, exactly like the USA!"

Would you like your unnecessary transvaginal ultrasound with or without lube? Or maybe your textbooks without without evolution?

There are some very ignorant people in this country -- as anyone who's visited a WalMart (at least in the south...but that's why I've lived the majority of my life) can attest. You should be glad you don't have to deal with them.

Comment I have both (Score 4, Insightful) 392

I graduated in 2003 and I have both a BA (philosophy) and a BS (CS;)).

My experience is that spending a generous portion of my time writing made me both a better writer of prose -- and of code. To be counterfactual, is it really possible to express an idea in code that one cannot express in one's native language? Don't just think of yourself -- think of the many coders who come after you. I've noticed a trend toward offering "workshops" (which is, of course, a place where one does no work) or short classes on topics like "dynamic communication" or "how to write good documentation". The idea itself seems Quixotic -- could you teach an English major to be a competent C coder in a few mere hours of instruction? Why do we expect the reverse?

Despite having been coding before I "done gone to college", I think there's a special clarity one gets by being able to express the same idea in different ways and choosing the simplest -- whether that language is Lisp or English.

Comment More Forks! (Score 4, Insightful) 282

Yes, more fragmentation in the Linux community will make things even more usable for your average user! He should write a custom package manager for servers and another for clients, because we don't have enough of those. Let's fork the kernel too -- or at least make a completely different fork of GLIBC so we'll need to recompile every package we want to install from source -- as God intended. The year of the Linux Desktop is here!

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