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Comment Re:Oh why not? (Score 1) 313

She was an integral part in shaping the disastrous foreign policy that led up to the war. In an interview before the inauguration (maybe even before the election itself) on CNN she was telling the interviewer that when in power she and the rest of the team would make an end to the 'Clinton multilateralism'.

In other words, she was pushing for the disastrous 'our way or the highway' policies of the Bush Administration since before she even got to the State Department.

Comment Re:Really? (Score 1) 301

Maybe it wouldn't be so underresourced if the developers weren't such arrogant jackasses. This and the Debian disaster a few years back show that OpenSSL is hopelessly broken at the social level and should be ditched by all parties.

Comment Re:How could you do it? (Score 1) 276

Just like he blamed 'One More Day' on Joe Quesada?

My question to JMS would be: how do you always get away when you produce crap and manage to make others take the fall?

Note to the JMS fanbois: yes, he does produce good stuff, but he slipped up plenty of times, and for some reason noone holds it against him but always blames Executive Meddling

Comment Re:Bingo (Score 2) 221

Creating scarcity sounds like a baron homesteading a piece of land and telling the peasants that they now have to answer to him.

Once again the language used betrays the Internet Libertarians as neo-feudalists.

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