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Comment Windows 10 on tablets (Score 1) 236

I agree w/ this. While Windows 10 has attempted to undo most of the damage, fact remains that Windows 7 was perfect for laptops and desktops: all that MS needed to do was to swap the underlying kernel, which is the good thing in Windows 8. In fact, since Microsoft was in the Apple copying mode, they could have left Windows 7 as the equivalent of OS-X, while introducing a Metro OS just for tablets. And avoid trying to make the hybrid, which looks more and more like an afterthought solution to accommodate Windows, rather than Windows accommodating the different form factors.

I use the Windows 10 Preview Edition on my Winbook, and right now, the icons and everything are too small. I just bought a stylus today hoping to improve it, since my fingers aren't sharp enough to touch exactly the part of a button that needs to be touched, as I found out today. So even in its current form, Windows 10 is fine for laptops, but somewhat shabby for tablets, even if one has a keyboard and stylus for them. To those who say use a mouse, the tablet has just 1 USB port, which may be needed by other peripherals, and I'm not sure that attaching the wireless USB dongle to a hub would have the same effect. Anybody seen that work?

Comment Re:32MB? (Score 1) 227

32MB? Bah. I remember the days when you could fit a whole OS in a hundred K! And 640K was enough for anyone!

On a more serious note: The 'internet of things' hype is supposed to be about putting sensors in just about everything. 32MB is a lot of data for a sensor.

For today's process geometries, it isn't. One can easily have on-board flash that contains the OS, and then have the sensor's baseband work off that

Comment Re:For me it's Windows NT 3.1 (Score 1) 387

Released in the early 90s, but I got to use 4.0 first in the later 90s as a programming student.

But when I used it, it was my first taste of an OS that didn't feel like a toy go kart where the wheels could rattle off any second. (Before I was introduced to Linux.) It's been the heart of window since Win2000.

For that, NT 3.1 is the most significant Windows release ever imo.

I agree. And today, if one looks back at history, what changed Intel's fortunes from running the slowest CPU in the market to the fastest was the fact that Windows NT was SMP, and the de facto kernel of the only Windows version - once Microsoft merged the 2 Windows paths into Windows 2000 and then XP. Until then, Intel's single CPUs were way slower than everything else - from the DEC Alpha and HP PA right down to Sun's SPARCs. But once Intel put 2/4/8 cores on a single chip, thanks to being generations ahead of the competition, they obliterated the difference. Their (SMP) CPUs were now as fast as Alphas, while being both cheaper and less power draining, and to top it all, they could run native Wintel code, instead of having to do things like FX!32 or code morphing or any of those tricks.

Comment Re:OS/2 better then windows at running windows app (Score 1) 387

It wouldn't matter, as SMP was becoming a thing, and don't forget the coming x86_64 along with the ability to run on RISC. OS/2's kernel was largely untouched from early MS OS/2 2.0 betas, and the device drivers were still 16bit assembly. IBM's L4 port of OS/2 cost such an incredible amount of money, and it produced an OS with no networking, and was dreadfully slow as well. IBM wanted BIG money to run OS/2 in SMP, meanwhile NT workstation supports two processors out of the box. You can guess which I was running on my dual proc P100.

With NT you run basically the same OS on the desk and the server, so for many dev's to make a 'server' version was all too easy. And compared to NT, OS/2 was a horrible server. I'd take NT's registry over the insane config.sys any day. Not to mention one goof in config.sys and you can't boot.

OS/2 could have been made to become more NT like, but IBM clearly wasn't up to the task, instead they were basically maintaining the same codebase from MS OS/2 2.0 circa 1991.

At the time in question - which the GP seemed to be discussing - SMP was NOT a major thing. Even amongst the UNIXes, the only x86 UNIX was Sequent's Dynix. SMP didn't become major until Intel's core architecture was out, and that too was due to Windows NT - Intel realized that since Windows 2000 was the only Windows in the market, they could make all their CPUs multicore, and the OS would handle it - since it was no longer based on the Windows 95 platform.

But as I mention above, I agree - IBM was unequal to the task.

Comment Also, NT was portable (Score 1) 387

Not just that, in addition to all of those, NT was designed to be portable across microprocessor architectures. It was originally developed on an Intel i860, then a DECstation 3000 - which was how the MIPS port was the first to be developed. That way, a lot of the x86 dependencies were gone, although some were brought back in the x86 version.

Comment Re:OS/2 better then windows at running windows app (Score 1) 387

That may not have mattered had OS/2 done a good rapid development kit, and also done a good job getting OEMs (there were hundreds at the time, in contrast to single figures today - aside from Dell, HP, IBM (now Lenovo) and Acer, there were Gateway 2000, Micron, Zeos, MidWest Micro, Tagram, and hundreds of other PC vendors.

I think OS/2 could have been a success had it been in the hands of someone other than IBM at that stage - a smaller company whose very success depended on OS/2 - as opposed to IBM, for whom it was just another small piece of a puzzle lost somewhere in the store. Such a company could have capitalized on the anti-Microsoft sentiment amongst ISVs, a number of whom found themselves competing against Microsoft despite making products that helped in the success of Windows. Companies like Borland, WordPerfect, Lotus (before IBM gobbled it), Symantec, and a good number of others. Such an approach could have ended up first in viable tools for OS/2 (from Borland, Symantec, Watcom et al) followed by viable apps, like Lotus SmartSuite, WordPerfect Office Suite and others. Given viable apps at the time, a good number of vendors would have offered the choice of OS/2 to customers, along w/ Windows. In fact, during the long delay in launching Windows 95, OS/2 could well have filled up the vacuum - just like Linux filled up the vacuum while the UNIX wars were going on.

The other great mistake that IBM did was pulling the plug on OS/2 for PPC. By the time it happened, it was obvious that OS/2 for Intel was going nowhere, so a good strategy would have been to port OS/2 to the PPC, and make it available as an alternative to MacOS for Mac clonemakers, when Apple, w/ a newly returned Jobs, pulled the plug on them.

Comment Re:I agree (Score 1) 387

Cheap software tools is what made Windows. While IBM was demanding $2000+ for an OS/2 SDK, MS was willing to give the SDK away to people who bundled it with their tools, and of course we had the $99 era of compilers including Visual Basic, Quick C, Turbo C and others.

OS/2 1.x did not have any cheap/discount compilers.

I recall Turbo C, or at least Borland C++ being available for OS/2. That, and Watcom. Main issue was probably that there were no standardized libraries for OS/2, the way there was MFC in Windows.

Comment Re:I agree (Score 1) 387

It was a big deal. Combine that with visual Basic and desire to never go outside, and you have me. Also knows as God's gift to the world.

You are welcome

Just like few x.0 versions of Windows were big hits, the same was true about this one. It was Windows 3.1/WfW 3.11 that hit it big: the long delay of what eventually became Windows 95 contributed to this in no small way

Comment Re:Most places still face monopolies or duopolies (Score 1) 289

>> laws frequently leave citizens facing a monopoly or duopoly with no recourse, so the FCC abolished them

Um...how many cable network providers do YOU have where you live? Does ANYONE have three (3) or more?

In Atlanta, I have Charter, and aside from that, a choice of AT&T UVerse and Comcast

Comment Re:Why? (Score 1) 289

This is correct. As a former NC resident, I don't agree w/ NC trying to block municipal broadband, but regardless of that, I don't support the feds getting in and telling them that they can't block it. It's the Tenth Amendment. If NC residents don't like this decision, they should replace the government they have in the next election they get, participating actively in the primaries as well to ensure that neither the GOP nor Dem nominees are people backed by TWC or AT&T (Comcast is not a player in that state)

Comment Re:Theo, about your rhetoric (Score 1) 249

And these billions are ill-gotten why, exactly? 'Cos Microsoft charged hundreds of $$$ for every copy of Windows, Office, et al instead of giving it away for free, like the Linux guys do? Well, even RMS is okay with people selling software - he just wants copyleft rights to be a part of the package.

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