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How the World's First Computer Was Rescued From the Scrap Heap 126

anavictoriasaavedra sends this quote from Wired: "Eccentric billionaires are tough to impress, so their minions must always think big when handed vague assignments. Ross Perot's staffers did just that in 2006, when their boss declared that he wanted to decorate his Plano, Texas, headquarters with relics from computing history. Aware that a few measly Apple I's and Altair 880's wouldn't be enough to satisfy a former presidential candidate, Perot's people decided to acquire a more singular prize: a big chunk of ENIAC, the "Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer." The ENIAC was a 27-ton, 1,800-square-foot bundle of vacuum tubes and diodes that was arguably the world's first true computer. The hardware that Perot's team diligently unearthed and lovingly refurbished is now accessible to the general public for the first time, back at the same Army base where it almost rotted into oblivion.

Comment Re:Deliberate (Score 2) 652

3. Once approved, the designs should be exempted fro EPA meddling and some reasonable level of lawsuit immunity...as in the construction can't be delayed decades by lawsuit after lawsuit.

What happens if someone discovers a flaw? So far every reactor design ever built has needed some modification afterwards, due to unforeseen issues. Seems like if there is no way to force companies to make those modifications, like a government agency telling them or affected citizens having the right to sue we will just end up with another Fukushima style accident.

4. Operators should undergo the same rigorous training as military nuke operators...subs, ships, etc. Not the same, but just as rigorous. We don't need fucking button pushes on the night shift. They have to understand the plant, the theory and they consequences of each action they take.

That's going to jack the cost up to military levels too then. Probably more, because unlike the military the nuclear plant operators would have to hire people on the commercial market and train them to a high level, and then pay them enough to retain them.

5. Parts should be manufactured in factories using standard methods and specifications. Parts should be interchangeable from site to site. Minimize customizations as much as possible.

There isn't really enough volume to justify that kind of mass production. Even if there were, many of the parts are specialist and have to last the lifetime of the plant, because once contaminated can't be easily replaced. In other words, it wouldn't bring costs down.

Comment Re:Deliberate (Score 2) 652

Surely there are lawsuits over all types of new power generation. People hate windmills and coal plants and fracking and everything else near their homes. Nuclear is hardly unique in that regard.

Anyway, in the UK lawsuits are not such a big problem, but nuclear is still completely unaffordable and only gets built with massive, and I really do mean massive subsidy.

Comment Re:Environmentalists is why we still pump carbon (Score 2) 652

Actually a lot of environmentalists are in favour of nuclear power. It's those investors and their "risk averse" nature that don't want to throw billions of dollars at something that might lose them money, especially when there are better opportunities.

The UK has to pay power companies to build new nuclear plants, and still only one player is interested. They are that bad of an investment. Nuclear is unsuitable for commercial operation, and always requires government funding to get built.

Comment Re:Which 6? (Score 1) 107

Chrome is the dominant browser now, so it's more a question of if those plug-ins are important enough to be redeveloped for the majority of users.

The replacement API has been around for ages, and is much more secure. If I used any of those plug-ins I'd be demanding they get upgraded for my own protection, or stop using them.

Comment Re:How surprising (Score 1) 131

By "west" you mean the US and UK, neither of which ever really had a good idea of what freedom is. The US was a bit better than the UK because it had a constitution, but that document mainly ensures negative freedoms: freedom from interference, or limits on your actions.

Most of western Europe, particularly Germany, France, the Netherlands and other Nordic countries have a lot of positive freedom too. Privacy, happiness, a real prospect of prosperity. That's why they get so pissed off about spying, and don't engage in it on anything like the scale that UK-US does.

Comment Re:How many bozos are screaming that Windows is sa (Score 1) 131

While they did infect some Windows machines, it's worth noting that a lot of the malware does target Unix based operating systems running in telecom equipment. Some of it goes after the BIOS or the firmware in various bits of hardware (e.g. hard drives) too, which is pretty much impossible for any OS to defend against.

Comment Re:Flip Argument (Score 1) 1128

There is a grand jury who disagrees with the version of events that you have imagined.

Incorrect. There is a grand jury who made a decision on terms and evidence dictated by the prosecutor. I think that's the real problem here. A trial, while imperfect, is adversarial and offers the chance to present more evidence and make counter arguments on any terms. The grand jury was limited to what the prosecutor decided to allow.

Comment Re:next gen batteries (Score 1) 293

Actually ultra high speed charging is kind of a big deal. Even if you can supply that much energy, the batteries don't like more than about 1.5C. Funnily enough that works out at about 120kW, the current Tesla high speed charging rate. If you go much beyond that it will start to affect the lifetime of the battery pack.

You also have the issue of cooling. The car actively cools the battery pack during charging, but it's cooling capacity is limited and unlikely to support 500kW charging, let alone 1000kW.

Having said that, the Tesla is still awesome because a 40 minute stop every 270 miles is probably as necessary for the human driver as it is for the car.

Comment Re:It's The Parts Count (Score 1) 293

I thought it was because US made cars were mostly shit; unreliable and liable to explode or fall apart on you. Japanese cars offered reliability at a reasonable cost.

It was the same in the UK. British cars had such a terrible reputation they couldn't compete with Japanese and European ones.

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