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Comment Re:When 9 votes are required to send it ... (Score 1) 1128

I wanted to know how to votes were cast to see if the GRAND JURY might have made their decision because of racial bias - by either side. This is still very much a factor, even in the 21st century.
As I said before a 12-0, 50-50, or 8-4 in favor of trial or a 9 against (white) vs 3 in favor (black) gives a fair bit of info into how the jury was thinking and their leanings & bias. Lawyers put a lot of emphasis on the jury selection process; since there are no lawyers present at grand jury proceedings, I don't know if the jury is screened at all for bias.

Those people in the street weren't protesting because of being whipped up by the mainstream media or the progressives or the Democrats; they were there because it's a regular part of their reality going back generations. It may be better than the bad old days but it's still very much the norm.

And even if you argue that Mike Brown had it coming, you can't say that about every one of their dead kids & relatives. Did Tamir Rice have it coming? Or Akai Gurley? Or Aiyana Jones? Or Amadou Diallo? Or Sean Bell? At least some of these went to trial even if no officer was ever convicted.
There are thousands of stories like this; citizens want the people they pay to protect & serve to be accountable.

Going to court may not be pleasant but we make hundreds of thousands of innocents submit to it all the time, for things as bad or much less so than ending a life.
Despite what happened or who may be at fault or who had the right to shoot whom, it's Mike Brown who's dead, not Darren Wilson - a fact that the prosecutor forgot when he was supposed to be advocating for the victim.
Let's say, strictly for argument sake's, that Wilson had immediately realized that Brown was the thief and ordered him on the ground and Brown complied.
Then Wilson decides to teach the strongarm thieving thug a lesson about pushing around weaker people and starts kicking the shit out of him.
Brown then bulks up to get through the barrage of kicks & blows and delivers a haymaker with his full Hulk Hogan demon power and kills Wilson with one punch.

How likely is it that Brown doesn't have to go to trial and the case against him is thrown out by the grand jury?

"but it simply doesn't fit history or political reality" - I suspect you're much younger than I.
If you go back and look at the voting on LBJs Civil Rights Act, you'll see that the split on Yea / Nay was very much a North vs South and not so much Dem vs GOP.
That said, at the time, the South was very much a Democrat stronghold. Times have turned and so have cloaks.

Comment Re:yes I know it's a SHE (Score 0) 323

"She" used to be Bill, with facial hair and (presumably) male genitalia. How do you refer to someone who was male, fathered children, but is now female?
How do their kids introduce them?
"This is my dad, who's now my mother's wife?" If the couple stay married, does that make the original female of the pair a defacto lesbian?

Comment Re:Flip Argument (Score 1) 1128

The grand jury does NOT decide on guilt or innocence. Their job is to decide if there's sufficient probable cause to proceed to trial.
What's interesting is that the prosecutor was almost acting as the defence for Officer Wilson, which is not his role.
Do I know if Wilson is guilty? Nope - but there are enough questionable aspects to his description of events that I'd like to see him answer under cross-examination.

Comment Re:MOD PARENT RACIST (Score 1) 1128

I'm been having a hard time with Wilson's story, too. And I'm not the only one.

How is Brown "leaning" into the cop car? If Wilson is in the driver seat, there's no room for anyone's body to come through the window, especially not as big a person as Brown.
And the photos of Wilson's "injuries"? If he can take several punches from an almost 300 lb Hulk Hogan-like "demon" and come out looking like that, he should consider professional boxing. He should have had massive swelling.

Comment Re:yes I know it's a SHE (Score 0) 323

Well, in your defence, "she" wasn't always thus - "her" name until 2003 was Bill (William Salvador) Heineman, something of a legend in the gaming industry, going back to winning the 1st ever national video game contest - Atari's National Space Invaders Championship of November 1980.

Comment Re:The "Protesters" (Score 1) 1128

If it was a simple matter of lies on mortgage applications, the crising would have happened a long time ago.
And it wasn't deadbeats who were responsible for repackaging risky mortgages into MBSes & CDOs.
Subprime lending has been under 8% for decades so a sudden doubling, nearly tripling in the space of 2 years should have been a HUGE red flag.
You can tell all the lies you want on a mortgage application but every bank I've ever dealt with puts a hell of a lot of emphasis on the FICO score.

There have been times in my life when my credit was poor and any loan application during that period was either denied outright or required a suitable guarantor.

Comment Re:When 9 votes are required to send it ... (Score 1) 1128

"Racist thinking like mine" - you have no idea what I think and showed the own reactionary racist lurking in your skin by being shockingly quick to call me a racist because I wanted to know if the grand jury voted on racial lines, something a number of people would have been curious about, whatever their leanings.

But it's telling that you smear modern Democrats with policies that they've long since discarded, at great political cost.
Passing the Civil Rights Act cost Democrats the Solid South as LBJ feared and that worked very well to Nixon's advantage with his Southern Strategy - which has lasted to this day. If you're searching for the old racists Democrats you miss so much, you're looking in the wrong place - they've long been comfortably clad in Republican clothing.

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