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Comment Re:acceptance is the only fair outcome (Score 5, Insightful) 301

women suffer from sexism far more than men in general society, and especially in STEM careers/ academia

I agree that women suffer more from sexism. I disagree very much about the "especially in STEM/academia". These are probably the areas where women suffer the least, and have many people leaning over backwards to help them. To say that a woman working as a programmer at Google, or trying to get tenure at Stanford, suffers more than a women working in a sweatshop to feed her family is absurd. If you want to see sexism and suffering, you need to look at the people at the bottom of the economic ladder, not the people at the top.

Comment Re:Error in headline (Score 3, Insightful) 301

Actually, the AE should have deleted the review and said to the authors "Sorry, the third reviewer never turned in his review, sending it out for a different reviewer."

Scientific journals should be ethical. If a review is rejected as inappropriate, they should just say so. Lying about it, as you suggest, is not ethical.

Comment This reveals a need for blind review (Score 5, Insightful) 301

Just as they have blind auditions for musicians.

It's possible this paper (which was on gender differences) is a piece of crap.

It's also possible the reviewer is sexist.

It may even be that the females who wrote the paper are sexist and the paper is a pile of crap AND the reviewer is sexist.

Hard to say without seeing the paper and the data it was drawn from.

In a gender blind society, we can't assume the females or the males are always right or wrong. It may even be from different points of view that different people will feel one or the other was right or wrong.

Comment Re:Mod parent up. (Score 1) 141

While there is a long history of "productive" riots in the u.s. going all the way back to the 1700s, I agree with your point that these riots are ill targeted. There is no easy focal point for the rage because the entire way society is setup is against this group.

I think the drug war has a lot to do with it. One arrest and few businesses will hire you for a good job so you can't get money legally to buy products so you are mad at everyone for not hiring you and for carrying things you can't afford to buy but which TV shows you "should" have. On top of that instead of having a neutral police force, you have a police force that actively enforces the law unequally-- calling the white kids parents (no record) while arresting the black kids (so now they have a record) and telling them "trash goes in back."

Comment Re:That escalated quickly (Score 1) 105

What happens if the Russian plan for reducing temperature means a return of Dust Bowl conditions in the Great Plains of North America

That is an unlikely scenario. Russia is one of the clear winners from global warming. They benefit from warmer winters and a longer growing season. They would have little reason to want to reduce temperatures. If there was a conflict, it would be more likely because they tried to block an international cooling effort.

Comment Re:That escalated quickly (Score 2) 105

I have challenging talks with my wife all the time about the budget, but I never think going into it that she's going to burn down the house in response to a dispute.

Wow. Your wife is a lot more emotionally stable than mine. What's your secret? I would love to be able to have a discussion without first hiding the gas can and matches.

Comment Geo-engineering will be part of the solution (Score 4, Insightful) 105

When climatologists say geo-engineering is not the solution, they mean a political solution to drastically and immediately reduce CO2 emissions, is a better choice. Of course, that is NOT going to happen. So the choice is not between geo-engineering and some theoretical perfect solution, but between geo-engineering and doing almost nothing. I don't think we are to the point where we should roll out large scale geo-engineering, but we certainly should be doing the research so it is an option in the future. Currently it is politically incorrect to do even minimal research.

Comment Re:Gamechanger (Score 1) 514

So I would not be surprised if more northern states have a higher winter peak demand than summer.

Not necessarily. Southern states tend to use electric heat pumps in the winter. But in northern states, the temperature differential is too big for heat pumps, so they tend to use gas or oil furnaces.

Submission + - UMG v Grooveshark settled, no money judgment against individuals

NewYorkCountryLawyer writes: UMG's case against Grooveshark, which was scheduled to go to trial Monday, has been settled. Under the terms of the settlement (PDF), (a) a $50 million judgment is being entered against Grooveshark, (b) the company is shutting down operations, and (c) no money judgment at all is being entered against the individual defendants.

Comment Re:Is this shocking? (Score 1) 63

Not shocked at all

I am not shocked, but I am confused. Why would they give bad software to their customers, but give good software to the testers? The marginal cost of software is zero. So, if they have good software, why don't they give it to their customers? Can someone please explain how any of this makes sense?

Comment Re:Gamechanger (Score 2) 514

Nope. Peak in winter is MUCH higher -- On cold days, you kick in a 10KW resistance heat unit.

You are missing the point. It is not YOUR peak usage that matters, but the peak usage of the entire grid. In the summer everyone turns on the AC when they get home at 5pm, causing an overall surge in demand. In the winter, heating is spread through the day and night. If your heater kicks on at 2:23am, it is unlikely that your neighbor's heater is doing the same.

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