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Comment Theoretical Considerations and Limitations (Score -1) 75

The Morsby Field Paradox states that scanning resolution is inversely proportional to the square of the aperture convergence, so even medium sized 3d" objects would be subject to flattening distortion, or bending distortion, by a small scanner, depending on the reference point.

Comment For a Scottish Workers Republic!!!! (Score -1) 494

Cast a Critical Vote for Scottish Independence, and Fight for Socialist Revolution to Bring Down the Monarchy, NATO and the Rule of Capital
For a Scottish Workers Republic in a Socialist Federation of the British Isles

On September 18, voters in Scotland will go to the polls in a referendum on the question of independence from the “United Kingdom.” All three major parties in Britain’s Westminster parliament complacently figured they would win by warning of dire economic consequences. But the threats have backfired and support for secession has grown in recent weeks to the point where it could win, or come close. The bourgeois Scottish National Party is promising a rosy future in a Scandinavian-style welfare state, but the economic realities of the capitalist world market would soon undo that. Most of the opportunist left is tailing after the SNP, while some British left groups oppose Scottish independence out of Labour loyalism. For revolutionary Marxists, this is an opportunity to accelerate the breakup of decrepit British imperialism, and to get the national question off the agenda so the class confrontation can come to the fore. While warning against illusions in the prospects of a capitalist Scotland, the League for the Fourth International calls for a critical “yes” vote for independence as part of a fight for workers revolution throughout the British Isles and Europe.

Comment America did this (Score -1, Flamebait) 203

America needs COMMUNISM!

Also a note to idiots who babble about "true capitalism" versus "corporate capitalism" and crap like that. Listen, idiots! "true capitalism" is a fairy tale that real capitalism (the actual existing, historically developed society based on private property in the means of production and pervasive commodity exchange, the division of society into the classes of proletariat and bourgeoisie, etc.) tells about itself. It is a democratic fable that is contrary to al the laws of capitalist economi development. It is a pathetic excuse for an indefensible system in its death throes that must be overcome by WORKERS REVOLUTION! FOR A SOVIET AMERICA!

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