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20-Year-Old Military Weather Satellite Explodes In Orbit 253

schwit1 writes A 20-year-old U.S. military weather satellite apparently exploded for no obvious reason. The incident has put several dozen pieces of space junk into orbit. From the article: "A 20-year-old military weather satellite apparently exploded in orbit Feb. 3 following what the U.S. Air Force described as a sudden temperature spike. The “catastrophic event” produced 43 pieces of space debris, according to Air Force Space Command, which disclosed the loss of the satellite Feb. 27 in response to questions from SpaceNews. The satellite, Defense Meteorological Satellite Program Flight 13, was the oldest continuously operational satellite in the DMSP weather constellation."

Comment Certain things every individual should know... (Score 1) 698

There are certain things I wish I knew decades earlier. Some of them are things you can only learn by the school of hard knocks. Other things can be picked up in books.

Give her a list of books that she should read at certain ages. Not just fiction/science fiction, but books that made you think about the real world and how to live in it.

I know that I want my kids to read "The Boglehead Guide to Investing" by the time they take home their first paycheck. Being able to invest in the future is something that can start at a young age.

Comment Re:"Singularity" is a horrible term. (Score 1) 71

The singularity is the point at which we can no longer "see" (predict) future growth or trends, ie: the point at which we lose the ability to make predictions about the future because the A.I.'s have grown and are growing in intelligence faster than we can comprehend. In that way it is similar to a black hole singularity, in that we cannot "see" past the event horizon.

Comment Re:What's not to like (Score 2) 105

>This really demonstrates that the key to a successful ~~kick starter~~ anything is popularity, not quality.

It doesn't matter how good you are, nobody will know about you, and you won't sell anything if you're a nobody.

Next, before this got too much funding it was an excellent idea to invest in. Cards Against Humanity is a multimillion dollar selling game. Smart-assed card games are a very popular genre.

Comment Re: Good grief... (Score 1) 681

I'm not the AC trolling you above, but he does have a point. This is my second account. Way, way, way back when the supreme leaders of Slashdot deleted their password database playing with MySQL on the server live. The ISP that had my original email for my ./ login had went out of business and I didn't bother making another account for a long time.

Comment Re: Take your space (Score 2) 290

Humans are not animals, unless you have chosen to fall for the lie of evolution. If you have fallen for that then by extension you believe that we have no morals to abide by (animals kill out of instinct so that means we can too). But humans know right from wrong and can choose to act accordingly. Animals, not so much. If you still disagree then you shouldn't mind people killing each other out of instinct. So the question is, would you mind that? Being mere animals also means we are no longer responsible for our actions because everything is an instinct rather than being based on a moral code of conduct. I advise you to rethink your statement. It has far reaching consequences.

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