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Comment Re:Climate Deniers: What is your defence for this? (Score 1) 366

we wouldn't be able to say anything meaningful about climate change.

You're absolutely right. It all has to be 100% pro the status quo or your some kind of idiotic, fox news, denier. I'm glad you are starting to see the problems with the lack of a debate here.

Comment Re:Sim Sickness (Score 1) 164

By understood, I mean there is a list of do's and don't's to go with VR. While it does limit some of the capabilities to hack in head tracking to current FPSes and drop them into a VR helmet and say go without making someone puke, there is plenty of new content coming out that follows the rules and makes for very pleasant experiences.

Comment Re:Gut flora (Score 2) 152

I can reach, and maintain, most any weight goal I choose.

Two happy cookies for you. I can as well and I've gone through the effort and dropped over 100lbs and swore I would keep it off for ever, but the gpp poster is right. It felt like I was holding my breath. People would say you look great, doesn't it feel better? I would reply in a normally pissed off state that it felt fucking hungry. I was not happy though kept it well for nearly 5 years. I have now put most of it back on. My mood is generally better though now I have the old stigma of being fat.

Ohh well, life sucks. Sure would be nice if I could find a way to be both happy and fit.

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