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Comment Re:toward Round Rock and Dell employees, Parmer? (Score 1) 88

And I'm in northwest Austin near 183/620, so I share your pain. There's quite a few tech companies along Parmer in general. The dots on the map (with a few exceptions that may be the "special" places they wired like libraries, etc.) stop at 38th and Mopac, except for the Mueller area. I'm actually kind of surprised how they put so many blue dots east of 35, but then I guess the hipsters have been gentrifying the poor out of the east side lately. Lots of blue dots in downtown, too.

Comment Re:Living in KC (Score 1) 88

Since Google does a "fiberhood" at a time, it may be behind your house, but not behind every house in your neighborhood. Also, if the fiber is a backbone, you don't connect a customer to that. You can't just stick a drop in the middle of a fiber cable. As I understand it, they put priority on neighborhoods with the highest demand and the lowest construction issues.

Comment Re:I want slower for cheaper (Score 1) 88

Also, if you don't get it when they come around, they aren't bringing the backhoe back when you change your mind later. I think it's worth it to pay $300 for them to wire up your house. By the time they get to my house, I'll probably have moved back to San Antonio and be renting it out, and I'd pay the $300 just to be sure it gets installed to the house.

Comment Re:Why so slow? (Score 1) 88

Cherry picking. Partly they're going for neighborhoods with higher anticipated demand (and higher anticipated density), partly they're going for neighborhoods with physically easier installs. Just remember that when they choose your neighborhood (aka "fiberhood"), if you don't get the install done then, you're pretty much fucked until they pick your neighborhood for again a second chance. My understanding is they generally won't go back for the stragglers and wafflers who didn't sign up when they were doing that neighborhood, at least not if it means a backhoe roll would be involved.

Submission + - Keystone Be D-mned: Canada Finds Oil Route To Atlantic writes: Bloomberg reports that Canadians have come up with an all-Canadian route to get crude oil sands from Alberta to a refinery in Saint John, New Brunswick, operated by a reclusive Canadian billionaire family, that would give Canada’s oil-sands crude supertanker access to the same Louisiana and Texas refineries Keystone was meant to supply. The pipeline, built by Energy East, will cost $10.7 billion and could be up and running by 2018. Its 4,600-kilometer path, taking advantage of a vast length of existing and underused natural gas pipeline, would wend through six provinces and four time zones. "It would be Keystone on steroids, more than twice as long and carrying a third more crude," writes Bloomberg. "And if you’re a fed-up Canadian, like Prime Minister Stephen Harper, there’s a bonus: Obama can’t do a single thing about it." So confident is TransCanada Corp., the chief backer of both Keystone and Energy East, of success that Alex Pourbaix, the executive in charge, spoke of the cross-Canada line as virtually a done deal. “With one project,” Energy East will give Alberta’s oil sands not only an outlet to “eastern Canadian markets but to global markets,” says Pourbaix. “And we’ve done so at scale, with a 1.1 million barrel per day pipeline, which will go a long way to removing the specter of those big differentials for many years to come.”

The pipeline will also prove a blow to environmentalists who have made central to the anti-Keystone arguments the concept that if Keystone can be stopped, most of that polluting heavy crude will stay in the ground. With 168 billion proven barrels of oil, though, Canada’s oil sands represent the third-largest oil reserves in the world, and that oil is likely to find its way to shore one way or another. “It’s always been clear that denying it or slowing Keystone wasn’t going to stop the flow of Canadian oil,” says Michael Levi. What Energy East means for the Keystone XL pipeline remains to be seen. “Maybe this will be a wake up call to President Obama and U.S. policymakers to say ‘Hmmm we’re going to get shut out of not just the energy, but all those jobs that are going to go into building that pipeline. Now they are all going to go into Canada," says Aaron Task. “This is all about ‘You snooze, you lose.’”

Submission + - The Greatest Keyboard Ever Made writes: Adi Robertson writes at The Verge that next year, IBM's Model M keyboard turns 30 but to many people, it’s still the only keyboard worth using. Introduced in 1985 as part of the IBM 3161 terminal, the Model M was initially called the "IBM Enhanced Keyboard." A PC-compatible version appeared the following spring, and it officially became standard with the IBM Personal System / 2 in 1987. The layout of the Model M has been around so long that today it’s simply taken for granted but the keyboard’s descendents have jettisoned one of the Model M’s most iconic features — "buckling springs," designed to provide auditory and tactile feedback to the keyboard operator. "Model M owners sometimes ruefully post stories of spouses and coworkers who can’t stand the incessant chatter. But fans say the springs’ resistance and their audible "click" make it clear when a keypress is registered, reducing errors," writes Robertson. "Maybe more importantly, typing on the Model M is a special, tangible experience. Much like on a typewriter, the sharp click gives every letter a physical presence."

According to Robertson, the Model M is an artifact from a time when high-end computing was still the province of industry, not pleasure. But while today's manufacturers have long since abandoned the concept of durability and longevity, refurbished Model M's are still available from aficionados like Brandon Ermita, a Princeton University IT manager who recovers them from supply depots and recycling centers and sells them through his site, ClickyKeyboards. "For the very few that still appreciate the tactile feel of a typewriter-based computer keyboard and can still appreciate the simplicity of black letters on white keys, one can still seek out and own an original IBM model M keyboard — a little piece of early computing history," says Ermita. As one Reddit user recently commented, "Those bastards are the ORIGINAL gaming keyboards. No matter how much you abuse it, you’ll die before it does."

Comment Re:Can someone explain... (Score 4, Informative) 69

The primary method is to send a browser user agent string that starts with "() { : ; } ; " and try to run a stupid (as in stupid people never remove them out of default installs) CGI script. Then when the shell gets invoked (either for a shell script CGI, or a dumbass system() call from another language CGI), the bug causes bash to execute whatever is on the end of the user agent string, before doing anything else. This is because the cgi-bin module takes all the various parameters of the HTTP request and sticks them into environment variables, and the bug executes environment variables before doing what it's been called up to do.

The easiest thing to do whether or not you can get a patched bash yet is to disable Apache's cgi-bin module.

Submission + - Which home security system? W/o a plan but with all the bells and whistles?

An anonymous reader writes: Guys,

I was spending several hours researching a home security system that is wireless, has the ability to send a message via SMS, can be controlled and accessed via internet and allow adding of different type of sensors. So far little success — GE or Simplisafe seem to be made to be connected to a plan. However not all of us live in the US so what to choose?

Comment Re:Speaking for myself (Score 1) 320

But I do stream/download them, from the OTA signal. And (usually) in the maximum quality that you can get them (almost 6GB per hour). Most ISPs would have a shit fit if you tried to download .ts files all the time. And I'm not sure how you expect to watch HD with 5.1 audio on a shitty smartphone.

Comment Re:SlashDot Remographics (Score 1) 320

I know you're halfway trolling, but...

Undoubtedly you're the same lot who prefers Elementary starring Johnny Lee Miller and Lucy Lu, rather than The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes starring Jeremy Brett and David Burke.

You can add that new show "Forever" to the list. The main character and female sidekick are almost clones of JLM and LL's characters, with the "two hundred year old man" trope added in. I didn't want to like it, but added a record rule for it before the first episode ended. And I'll admit to liking the first season of Elementary, but the second season has languished in my DVR. It does have one major advantage over the BBC Holmes in that I actually get episodes of it every week as opposed to needing cable or waiting until PBS gets around to showing a few.

The same lot who prefer the modern Hawaii Five-O to the original 1970s series starring Jack Lord

I literally can not watch new Five-O. I tried a couple of times, but it's way too edgy and angsty.

Comment Re:No more appointment TV (Score 1) 320

Saturday morning was killed by cable, but the DVR will be the nail in the coffin. Unless maybe you ran a house-wide DVR server thingy that could embargo episodes one per week until after a specific time (which could still allow for pausing and backing up to see something again). This would of course have to be of old-but-good shows that you can't get firehosed five days a week. And not just Saturday morning, you could do this with various prime-time blockbusters of the past to show them on weekday evenings.

And waiting a week for a new episode of animation isn't completely dead, it's just gone underground to the people watching new episodes of anime from Japan. Yesterday morning I watched a live (untranslated) stream of the new episode of Log Horizon with a 4chan thread. (Then I watched the sub a couple of hours later when the usual suspects came through.) There's twenty-four more weeks of waiting to see what happens next week. Ironically, by the time the sub is ready in the US, it's... Saturday morning!

Comment Re:Looney Tunes (Score 1) 320

Speedy Gonzales, nope, making fun of Mexicans

Never mind that Speedy Gonzales "remained a popular character in Latin America. The Hispanic-American rights organization League of United Latin American Citizens called Speedy a 'cultural icon'". It was the corporate gringos who decided that it was offensive, and their white guilt made them sweep Speedy under the rug.

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