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Comment Re:But aren't corporations people now? (Score 1) 79

Well, there has been almost nothing that has rallied the GOP faithful in the past couple decades as much as their unified undying hatred of all things "Clinton". Really, regardless of how good her chances are of winning, Hillary is doing more for the GOP than the GOP was capable of doing for itself, just by being herself. I thought the conservatives were in overdrive on conspiracy generation with Obama but now we're seeing a whole different magnitude of nuttery.

What I particularly love though - and what this thread is all about - is how they are not bothered in the least by the hypocrisy.

Comment But aren't corporations people now? (Score 1) 79

A lot of those criticisms are talking about how they want to string up Hillary for accepting donations from individuals who run corporations that we don't like. But if corporations are people - as we decided in Citizens United (amongst other rulings and government movements) - that exist independently with independent rights and obligations from the people who run them, then why is this important?

For that matter we saw similar arguments fall flat against the Bush family in earlier times. But since the argument is now being used against a Democrat, this is of course all different, right?

Comment Re:oh dear (Score 1) 7

Actually, this JE was a response to my friend's amusing accusation of "stalking".

In other words, either you or Stoolpigeon will be the one turning the lights off.

I call not it. I have no investment in this site - well, beyond my $5 subscription - so I don't want to be left liable for cleaning up the mess when it finally folds for real.

Comment I doubt Apple will stay in the market (Score 0) 417

There isn't a whole lot in there for them. Margins are thin and their hardware is no longer unique since they are using the same Intel CPUs that everyone else uses. Apple almost certainly makes more money on iPhones and tablets than they do on PCs and laptops; I and others expect that they will transition from selling PC and everything else to selling everything else and software.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Neglected Slashdot Feature: Message when friend posts JE 7

It seems that some people might not be familiar with this function, so I thought I'd mention it as I find it useful. Slashdot can send you a message when someone on your friends list posts a Journal Entry (JE). This feature is under "Message" in the "User Preferences" settings. If slashdot renders as oddly in your browser as it does in mine, you now get to User Preferences by clicking the icon that looks like a 6-toothed gear that should be near yo

Comment Re:Because we don't crash enough cars... (Score 4, Interesting) 86

The numbers of fatal accidents has been decreasing the past thirty years

I understand that to have more to do with cars being safer than anything else. Anti lock brakes and air bags are now standard in the overwhelming majority of cars on American roads today, amongst other things.

Cell phones have had no noticeable statistical effect

If we're talking over the same period of time (30 years as you said earlier) it is impossible for them not to. There were quite nearly zero cell phones in 1985. We now regularly have serious - and sometimes fatal - accidents caused by idiots who believe they can safely read and write text messages on their phones while driving. It appears you are looking at the general downward trend of fatal accidents per capita, and then saying that nothing could possibly have a negative impact on that. That simply doesn't work.

Comment Because we don't crash enough cars... (Score 3) 86

This app, giving people real time updates on their smart phones, is probably not the best thing we could have for public safety. More than a few knuckleheads would likely think they were doing the right thing by putting it on their phone, until they try to read it while driving and end up causing an accident by way of their distracted driving.

Comment Re:Why are you shocked? (Score 1) 63

How typical for a cyber-bully

How exactly am I able to be a "cyber-bully" to you when you don't allow me to comment in your journal entries? For that matter, nobody forces you to read anything I write, ever. You are free to ignore everything I have ever written.

online stalker

I am not aware of any interaction we have ever had online that was not on slashdot, ever. Furthermore there is a feature on slashdot that you can use to receive a message any time anyone on your friends list posts a JE. Hence your "stalker" allegation falls completely flat.

but in meat space you're a sniveling coward.

Wait, who is the bully here?

Bottom line: You wouldn't lie about me to my face the way you do on slashdot.

Where do I lie about you on slashdot? Your writings support the hypothesis much better that you are a fake conservative, posting fact-free nonsense to make real conservatives look absurd, then do they the opposite.

Don't believe me? Let's meet up and find out.

No, I don't believe you. I have believed pretty well nothing you have ever written here to be an accurate portrayal of your beliefs. That is why I find you so entertaining.

However, you are good for a few minutes (at most) of entertainment a week. You're not nearly entertaining enough to warrant a long car drive or an airplane ride.

Comment Re:Where is the value in this meta-regurgitation? (Score 1) 63

why did they wait this long to start screaming about it? This seems like another "October surprise".

Ummm. . . the gag orders in place?

If that were the case, then why would the gag order be lifted now when the trial doesn't begin until September? And if the gag order was lifted, then why did they only go to a deeply partisan "news" source, rather than using a respectable source? I understand that all conservatives are under orders from on high to trash the NYT at every possible opportunity, but there are respectable news sources that lean conservative.

fascist regime

You use that term, but you don't know what it actually means. The context in which you used it demonstrates that quite clearly.

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