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Comment Re:No worries mate (Score 4, Informative) 110

The simple fact that you can leave the device with a default password encompasses several levels of stupidity. 1) Programmers who do not require password to be changed, 2) Manufacturers who will install that firmware, 3) Customers who leave it that way. Level 3 shouldn't even be possible except for stupidity and laziness in Level 1 and 2.

Comment retail management (Score 3, Informative) 85

I supply various systems, including retail chain management built with security by design. It is hard to achieve proper security in stores and offices, the users are so far away from being computer savvy it hurts. We move them off windows in many cases to Linux solutions. In any case POS should not be connected to the Internet. We set up linux machines as router / firewall and as a store management server. It talks to everything on the inside, it provides connectivity for the bank terminals, the cameras and another administrative computer. POS gets its instructiin s through it and offloads sales data to it and then everything is synchronized with the central system by it.
The amount of crazy that happens in stores is staggering, almost inconceivable. We have to prevent meltdown with minimal resources and as little pain as possible but it is not easy when a retailer has a few stores and maybe one admin. Remote administration is vital, proper backup solutions are vital, the whole thine can degrade in no time if none is watching.

Comment Re:It's not a networking issue. (Score 1) 384

I think you'll find that most embedded hardware has your "broken" IP implementation. Probably partly because it's more work to set it up correctly, but also because there are a lot of times where installers in the field or repair people in the shop have no way of knowing what the IP address of this stuff is supposed to be and need to be able to get at it. Devices that I have personally worked with would include a plethora of security cameras, Seimens I/O panels, Lantronix and Mercury TCP/IP to serial I/O converters, AMAG security hardware, two kinds of infant abduction systems, intercoms, and emergency alert systems. Some (most?) SCADA hardware is set up that way as well, I've been told. I suppose the reason why this isn't really considered a security issue is that you need physical access to the device to make it work.

Comment Re:They're right you bunch of freetards (Score 0) 612

You are a gigantic liar, which became clear as day over the course of this thread. Good luck to you in all your endeavors, liar. A liar lies even as his lies are clearly pointed out.

'Corporations are not and have never created jobs' + 'corporations create jobs because they buy labour'. This is on you, I have nothing to do with it. Production allows consumption, never the other way around. Without production there is no consumption. Production creates the markets. You don't understand that part, fine. That is just economic ignorance and stupidity and likely class warfare, but making opposing statements and denying them outright in the same thread is a clear sign of a liar and I do not waste time on liars.

Comment Re:Inflation is *good* (Score -1) 743

Inflation is in double digits and nowhere near 0. Of course you can choose to believe government propaganda or you can choose to see reality of 0% interest rates for 6 years but that is your choice.
Inflation is not just bad in a conventional sense, it is absolutely destructive to the economy and thus society. It is what destroyed savings and productivity in the USA and some other countries, it is the actual reason behind the demolition of quality of life of people in the USaa since 1917 ( when the Fed was authorised to monetize government debt).

Inflation is what caused the Great Depression, stagflation of the seventies, collapse in the late nineties, collapse in late 2008, and the current state of destruction of the economy and the impending collapse of the USA bonds and the dollar.

USA is Greece but with a printing press and with what is considered 'the reserve currency'. This allowed the USA to run the scam for much longer than anybody else. This is why the collapse will be so much more spectacular.

The rich should not be forced to do anything by the mob and the state for anybody, they should be left alone to make profits. Profit is what creates the economy. Without profit motive there is no economy. Of course the world lost that understanding, but not everybody. Those who get it are the economy of the world and the funny thing is they are the biggest capitalists and they give communism good name... The USA is a collectivist semi socialist semi fascist state, but it gives capitalism bad name. USA is not a free market society, which is what it should be, why people used to go there. China used to be communist or whatever sollectivism they had and yet they are now the biggest free market there is. Funny how things go and funnier still how blind people like you are.

Comment Re: Soverign debt (Score -1) 743

My problem is oppression by the mob and or state of the individual. Personal charity is personal matter. Nobody should be forced under any circumstances for any reason and for anybody to give up their time and or savings. Anybody can make a case for private charity and people are often generous. Nobody should think they have entitlement for institutional theft and redistribution.

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