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Comment Optimism kills secure, competitent programming. (Score 3, Interesting) 67

Nadella's comment is a clear example of whats wrong with modern feature creep not only at Microsoft, but just about every major software company these days. There's no boss anymore like Bill Gates telling programmers that their feature idea is the "Stupidest fucking thing he's ever heard" and instead of features getting scrutinized, more stupid, useless features get shoved in as the product swirls down the toilet.

I swear no one thinks features can be exploited for harm anymore because its' stored locally and encrypted until the obvious happens and they realize that yes, the laws of computer stupidity are real and 99% of computer users do not know what they are doing and run stupid things on their PC bypassing encryption (since you need access to your data to read it and if you can access it, so can the virus) and safeguards (because screw you I'm a virus! I do what I want!) and get hacked or exploited. I can guarantee that Scam Call Centers and Spammers will have a field day convincing old people using Quick Assist (which is an actually useful feature that I'm sure MS is going to screw up or remove trying to stop scammers) that they recorded every private thing they did, and it will cost a small bitcoin or two to keep it from being sent to everyone they know.

I'm convinced all modern UI and Program designers work like this now:

1) Add useless feature or design element because if someone tells them no it hurts their fragile ego and/or feelings.
2) Watch feature get hacked, exploited or hated.
3) Shit Pants in disbelief that Feature got hacked, exploited or hated.
4) Release New Revision of Feature that fixes current hack, exploit or hate
5) Watch feature get hacked, exploited or hated in a different way.
6) Shit Pants again.
7) Repeat step 4, never realizing that the useless feature or design element was indeed useless.

It'll be hilarious a few years from now when I reference this post and illustrate what step MS is on when it comes to this feature. That is, if it gets implemented.

Comment How about fixing that FUBAR copy/paste function? (Score 2) 59

It would actually be easy. Just copy/paste honoring the formatting of the TARGET. Have you ever tried copy/pasting something into a Teams chat? Or an Outlook mail? 9 out of 10 times what you WANT is to get the content formatted in the way the text is formatted in the chat or mail.

What you GET though is that it pastes everything retaining the format of the source.

And yes. I know that I could right click, paste text only... but why is that not the STANDARD behaviour?

Comment "Landmark"? (Score 2) 28

They decided that AI content needs to be labeled. That's pretty much the big whoop here.

At the same time, anyone who ever had to deal with it knows that it's virtually impossible to tell AI generated content from human generated content. Hell, even AI cannot do it. Which becomes more and more of a problem when training AI (which is, I'm sure, one of the motivations for the whole deal) because more and more training material for new AIs is hallucinations from former AI generations.

And you can't manually vet it. The amount of content AI can generate easily outpaces anything humans could audit and vet.

That law is toothless.

Comment Re:What's the point? (Score 1) 98

1) Try looking at some Anime and you tell me what age the characters are.
2) Yes, and as long as this is the crime, it's a non-story. It seems, though, that they want to muddle the waters here and make creating the fake porn the crime.
3) Who exactly is the victim in a fake CP "crime"? Last I checked electrons don't have feelings.

Comment Actually, they should fit in most desktop PCs (Score 5, Informative) 63

I was a bit surprised by the "As a result, these 6TB 2.5-inch drives will unlikely fit into any desktop PC" comment. While that may be true for laptops, many desktops still have 3.5" and even 5.25" bays, and 2.5" adapters to the larger form factors have been readily available for years. While the >15mm Z-height may be problematic for adapters using removable drive trays, there shouldn't be any problems for internal use, as 3.5" drives are typically 20-26mm high and 5.25" drives are around 42mm high.


Aryeh Goretsky

Comment Re:You could just have two UIs (Score 1) 121

My take would be to have iPad switch to macOS mode (for a specific macOS application) if the following conditions were met:

  • 1. A keyboard and a mouse or track pad are connected to the iPad. (For example, the Magic Keyboard.)
  • 2. The user launches a macOS application, and that application is 'frontmost'.

The problem, really, is that my sausage-sized fingers can only mash buttons no smaller than 44x44 pixels in size with any accuracy on a touch device. Further, the very concept of 'hovering' makes no sense. (Consider a CAD-style program where you may use multiple mouse click-drag operations to draw a complex line or bezier curve.) Beyond that, the iPad experience is focused mostly around finding and pecking at things, rather than tap/drag experiences. (Tap/drag works, but is physically harder than click-dragging on a mouse.) So either you redesign your macOS application for the iPad tap experience, or you need your iPad environment to support these things--which require a physical mouse, probably a physical keyboard, and an always-present cursor.

Beyond that, though, and the gap between iOS and macOS is actually quite small: many of the frameworks are available on both platforms, and Apple seems to be trying to merge a lot of the underlying plumbing of iOS and macOS so they operate more or less the same.

Comment Re: Refuse to buy until fully open standard (Score 1) 83

It's sufficiently uniform these days. Pretty much anything that makes PCs different has been outsourced to the game development IDEs, so for the developer, the platform is pretty uniform, independent of CPU, GPU or OS.

There are a few limitations, mostly concerning the availability of features or library functions, depending on age of OS and GPU, but they, too, are often handled by your development platform and/or can easily be thrown in as "system requirements" for the eventual game.

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