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Comment Re:they will defeat themselves (Score 1) 981

No, it's not an exaggeration. Rather than rehash arguments from the previous thread, I'll just link to some of them.

(Note that that is far from an exhaustive list of the arguments explaining how that politician is indeed trying to ban teaching science in general. I just can't be bothered to go re-read through and pick out all the good ones.)

Comment Re:they will defeat themselves (Score 1) 981

Social Conservatives are less than 25% of Republicans and are probably less than 20% of the total.

Then why do they get more than 50% of the vote in the primaries?

Being religious does not equal being a social conservative.

Sure, some people are religious but not socially conservative... but they're usually Democrats.

But Gary Johnson and others are/were pretty damn close to "coming out."

Sure, Gary Johnson was pretty great (I voted for him)... which is why he lost the Republican primary by a landslide. The Republicans are incapable of electing a reasonable candidate like Johnson precisely because they're overrun with authoritarian theocrats!

It's too bad, too, because unlike the rest of the Republican candidates, he was socially-liberal enough to have a chance of beating Obama in the general election (had he run as a Republican instead of a Libertarian).

Go to Red State and Legal Insurrection and you'll see that many are opposed to the leviathan state.

Maybe some people on those sites say that, but they are either A) a vocal minority, B) fail to actually vote, or C) claim to be for small government, until they realize such a position is a detriment to their pet special interest (usually Social Security or one of the talk-radio "rile up the dumbasses" issues, such as any involving religion, race, evolution or climate change) whereupon they vote for the authoritarian candidate anyway.

Comment Re:they will defeat themselves (Score 2) 981

You link one paper from Harvard on "why terrorism doesn't work".
I'll refute that by pointing to:
1) 8 guys sneaking onto planes with boxcutters and crashing them into buildings is terrorism
2) 15000 psychos taking over chunks of country with astonishing brutality is not terrorism (as referenced in that paper), and 'thousands of psychos taking crap over' HAS worked* repeatedly through human history; from the "Barbarian invasions" of Roman times, to the Huns, the Mongols)

*maybe not in the longest scales, but certainly enough to enmiserate a generation or three.

Comment Re:they will defeat themselves (Score 1) 981

most republicans are not social conservatives

This hasn't been true for at least a couple of decades, especially when you consider which Republicans are capable of actually getting elected (rather than losing the primary due to lack of support from the social conservative faction of their party -- clear evidence that it constitutes a majority).

If you can show me an atheist Republican in Congress, then I'll show you a flying pig. We can hold the show-and-tell in Hell (but make sure you bundle up, because it'll have frozen over)!

The key divides between republicans and democrats is over the size and scope and purpose of the Federal government.

No it isn't; they're both in complete agreement that the Federal government should be huge and authoritarian. They only differ in which departments they prefer the bloat to occur (e.g. war vs. welfare). Even the Tea Partyists who claim to be fiscally conservative hypocritically support Social Security, just like the Democrats.

Comment Just As Relevant (Score 1) 385

Associated Press -- September 17, 2014
In his latest interview, Linus Torvalds shocked the world with his pronouncement that "Cheerios are delicious! Wheaties taste like fucking crap!" When asked to comment, a spokesperson for General Mills stated "Linus is right. Except about the Wheaties." The AP will stay on top of this breaking news and continue to bring you the latest on CerealGate, as it happens.

Comment Re:So-to-speak legal (Score 1) 418

If you classify ISP's as common carriers, the FCC will create a department or a sub-department to manage them. This department will get a budget, and that budget will have a mandatory yearly increase (This is how the government WORKS for EVERYTHING). Once the basic job has been done, and the processes are in place - what will these people do? They will want to keep their jobs secure. This is how HUMANS function in organizational hierarchies. They will do this by creating new reasons for their existence, new things that need to be regulated, new systems that need to be put in place, new needs for more people to increase the fiefdom. This is how absolutely everything in government works. Every time a new regulation is written... or a law is passed - this is what happens. This is exactly why we have a bloated Federal Government that's increasingly intrusive. It's do-gooders and well intentioned folks who fail to understand how this shit actually gets implemented that are the problem. So create a straw man (Did I say that regulating ISP's was EVIL? I did not) - and call me names all you want. I'm telling you HOW this grand idea is actually going to WORK in something called THE REAL WORLD. Once you flip the switch and do this, you won't be able to go back... ever. You will have created a monster that will simply grow, and grow, and grow consuming as much wealth as it can. So next you'll accuse me of not wanting to regulate anything, and you'll tell me I am against clean air and water, and if that doesn't work, then I am a racist. So boring, and so predictable it all is.

Please. Learn a little history. ISPs have historically been classified as common carriers. "Telecom" based ISPs still are. No organizational or regulation changes are required. Cable companies were exempted from this for a variety (many of which I disagreed with) of reasons which are no longer relevant.

In any case, I didn't call you any names, nor did I try to impugn your character or make any judgements about you as a person. I did (and do) disagree with your assertion that re-classifying *all* (as opposed to just some, which is currently the case) ISPs as common carriers would, necessarily, create some huge, money-sucking bureaucracy.

As I've repeatedly suggested, instead of making broad pronouncements which have minimal semantic value, how about addressing the issues and make some constructive suggestions, rather than asserting that I said things I did not.

Have a nice day, friend. I hope you and all those you care about are healthy, happy and fulfilled in their lives. May good fortune travel with you all of your days.

Comment Is that a serious question? (Score 4, Interesting) 981

Because if it is, you need to pull your head out of your ass and go and do some extremely basic, cursory, research on the situation in the US. There are for sure some loud fundy Christian that like to whine about science, evolution in particular. However they have had little and less success in pushing their agenda and the US remains a powerful center of scientific research.

Trying to equate the US to ISIS is beyond stupid.

Comment Re:Too Bad (Score 2) 106

I agree,
but I think overall as the characters mature in the show, they become less awkward over time.
With the exception of Sheldon, where I kinda wish they would just come out and state that the character is autistic at some level. Instead of just making him a super scientist who needs to make all these trade-offs in his personal life to be there.
While I do not fall on the recorded Autism spectrum. The way they make Sheldon would be very insulting to people with these problems.

Comment Re:they will defeat themselves (Score 5, Insightful) 981

if your "society" is being propped up via funding and arms, and you have no need to actually produce anything yourself or even produce engineers at all, then it isn't as much of a problem.

Math isn't just used by engineers; it's also needed to operate pretty much any business -- even low-tech ones. Even a damn goat-herder needs to be able to multiply, assuming he wants to be able to sell X goats for $Y each, and end up with the correct number of $ afterwards!

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