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Comment Re:Interesting (Score 4, Insightful) 70

The midterms did not have the problems and complaints the 2020 had. The problem was not 528's coverage, but that the midterm was far more boring.

Nate Silver is a hard line mathematician. He looks at the numbers. When people are lying about the numbers, he is very interesting proving them wrong. When the lies get boring, so does he.

I hope that wherever he lands, he continues to put out good data analysis. I suspect that in the next presidential election, it will get very interesting again. Unless Trump goes to jail before then, and all we get is Biden Vs. Trump-lite.

Comment Robots make consistent mistakes, huge advantage (Score 4, Interesting) 37

Robots make consistent mistakes, humans make random ones.
Consistent mistakes are fixable, random ones, less so.

Robots are better drivers not because they have better brains, but because they never make stupid mistakes.

Humans: start young, get old, get drunk, get tired, and get mad. We accept the first two, outlaw and punish the rest. Robots start inexperienced, blind, and ignorant of new activity. We FIX those and the robots do not repeat the problem.

Comment Re:Fact (Score 1) 62

Totally true. Usually stolen in tiny tiny bits by your friend.

When I give my phone number to my friends, I did NOT give them permission to upload it to Facebook. But they did.

Am I going to dump them because of that tiny theft? No, of course not. I won't even complain.

But when all of them do it, despite me never joining Facebook, facebook now has an immense amount of information about me. THe fact that I have a bunch of friends of the same age that went to X high school is captured. Same with college. Same with each job I ever went to, same with every hobby.

Despite me never telling Facebook anything, they know my age, where I grew up, each school, every hobby, every location where I lived, etc.

All caused by tiny little thefts from people I trust and forgive their indiscretion.

But I do not forgive Facebook. They did not do tiny thefts, they enganged in a policy of buying stolen data and criminally analyzing it.

Comment AI makes medium, not great, not bad. (Score 1) 126

First, what we call AI now is not movie AI. There is no consciousness, no sapience, and therefore no real creativity. Real world AI is just a formula.

The thing about formula Movies and formula TV, is that it is always good, never great. The really great movies break the formula and create new ones. So a real life AI will always follow the formula it finds (not creates) and will always create a good work, never a great one, never a bad one.

Comment Good attempt (Score 2) 74

Right now, what happens is they create algorithms using old data, irregardless of the inherent racism is the old data. Go to Harvard? Get a plus in any formula. Go to a historically black university, no plus for you.

When they were building the formulas by hand, this was barely acceptable. Before they put it in a black box, people could complain, sue, and get changes.

But when they themselves do not know the formula, then there is no way to complain. If you cannot see the formula, but only the methodology, you cannot change it. The only way to fix it it is to police the methodology.

Please note the cumulative, inheritable nature of cultures mean that the racism is always present. Even if a black/hispanic/asian/jewish person never underwent direct discrimination, their starting point was the result of centuries of discrimination. People live where their parents lived, where their grandparents lived, etc. etc. They inherit both money and attitudes from their ancestors. People get into college because their ancestors did.

Comment Window Shades Blind Cops (Score 4, Insightful) 84

Cops cannot see any child abuse or other criminal activities in people's houses because of the criminal gear called a "Shade".

In fact, some of the manufacturers have gone so far as to call their shades "Blinds" because of how they blind the cops to crimes committed by people in their homes.

Comment Worthless law (Score 1) 69

It is not that hard to have a separate app that codes a message and copy/paste that into an email or other messaging app.

In fact that concept pre-dates the end-to-end decryption method. If they do not provide end to end encryption, you can easily provide your own encryption by hand.

Trying to stop end-to-end decryption will just result in casual/honest people having bad encryption while the serious/dishonest people will find other ways to get real encryption.

Comment Accuracy issues with no explanation. (Score 1) 161

The various find X programs are set up to give you the 'best possible' results and do not show the accuracy.

If they obtain accuracy to the nearest meter / yard, they pick a spot in the middle. That works fine. If they get accuracy to the nearest zip code, they show the middle of the zip code. That does not work fine.

Nearest county works horrible. Nearest state is worthless. Nearest country is the worst example I ever heard. There is a farm house in the exact center of the country that used to have police show up, with warrants every few months all because the search could only narrow it down to the United States.

They had to sue multiple people before the cops stopped got warrants to search their house for guns, drugs, kidnap victims, etc..

All these services should be required to clearly state "Accurate within X feet." Anything less is criminal.

Comment Causation assumed, really reveresed (Score 1) 123

People that are not healthy do not drink moderately. Their liver cannot handle it.

Got cancer? Diabetes? Kidney disease? Taking pain medication?

  Don't drink.

Surprise surprise, the majority of people that drink alcohol are healthy.

Because if you are not healthy you do not drink.

Comment Stupid enough to think Florida can rule the world? (Score 1) 406

Florida can not charge people in other states, - even Georgia for doing something entirely in their state.
Even if a lunatic Conservative Supreme Court was to say they could do that, it would not stop companies in the US from paying a Canadian to write about Florida.

This law represents immense ignorance about the US Constitution, laws, international treaties, and the internet. It is on the level of something a child would think up and is designed to appeal to people that should not have graduated from High School. They are literally catering to morons in the hope of getting some votes, despite the law being 100% useless.

Do not vote for people that cater to morons, even if you agree with them. Instead you should revisit your own ideas if you are agreeing with people catering to morons.

Comment Living Things are made of water (Score 4, Interesting) 16

Humans are around 60% water, trees are around 50%. Living things constantly take in and give off water.

If you cut down 4 ton of trees, there goes about 2 ton of water that acted like a battery, taking in water when it was wet and giving off water when it was dry. That water it gives off becomes rain.

Worst of all is that if you cut down 4 tons of trees, plant 10 lbs of seeds, and every year you harvest 1 ton of food, that is removing 1 ton of water from the farm ground and shipping to cities, most of whom dump it in sewage which ends up in the ocean.

Not hard to understand how if you remove 2 tons of water right away and then remove another ton every year, you are going to have a problem.

Dry states should not farm, no matter how much sunshine they gate.

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