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Comment Re:It's all Communism (Score 1) 19

"Blockade" is trivially disproven

Are you suggesting then that the blockade doesn't exist, and the people criticizing it are all mistaken? Even the pope, the Irish Prime Minister, and others? Are you suggesting that the poverty that the people of Gaza are living through is not at all related to the inability to get sufficient resources in to their country of over 2 million people?

how did Hamas obtain tunneling equipment/material if there was nothing coming in?

Tunnels were dug before the election 15 years ago. The equipment didn't go away before. What changed is the situation became far more desperate.


That acronym is not clever, relevant, or accurate. Only Your Team has told us of "good" Neo-Nazis. Only Your Team has proudly marched towards fascism.

Comment Re:Well, you've at least copied the links (Score 1) 9

I still don't see any data from any other year. Comparing this year to the goal for this year is not useful for your statement of recruitment being down. Only by comparing this year to another year can we determine if your statement is supported by facts.

That said, you might also want to consider what Your Team is doing to disincentivize enlistment. For a long time one of the big prizes has been the G.I. Bill. Yet Your Team spends large amounts of time and money telling people to not go to college. If they don't want to go to college, then you need to offer them a better carrot.

Comment Re:I'm only highlighting conspiracies you endorse (Score 1) 31

So then why did so many plead guilty to that charge? If they felt it was a bogus charge they should have fought it will ever fiber of their being. Instead many people from Your Team pleaded guilty to felony charges and are doing significant time.

And why couldn't Your Dear Leader have bothered to lift a finger to help these people? He knew they wanted to help him when they entered the capitol. If he is as wealthy as he keeps saying he could have hired some better legal representation for them if these charges were as "show" as you claim. He left his followers out to dry when they put up significantly to help him.

Comment Re:No on believes you (Score 1) 24

You said recruitment is down. IF that is the case - and you give me more and more reason to doubt it

Oh, shut up. There is copious evidence, but it takes intellectual honesty to deal therewith.

You found yet another article comparing recruitment numbers with recruitment goals - for the same year. That says NOTHING about how recruitment compares to any other year. Where did the goal numbers come from? How did the compare to results from other years? Yet again you gave us an article that doesn't support or refute your original claim. An article on who won the 1994 Super Bowl would be just as useful.

Comment Re:That's an oversimplification of the question (Score 1) 55

You found the equivocation that you wanted to see. I have stated many times that plenty of blame belongs to both sides, and that the Oct 7 attack was terrible.

This is the equivocation. Oct07 is purely, 100% owned by Hamas. They voided the sympathy warranty there.

Hamas attacked Israel on Oct07. I have never refuted that.

The important point here though is that Israel has oppressed Gaza in many ways for many years. Palestinians in Gaza had no way to negotiate with Israel as Israel declared the Gaza government illegitimate and prevented Gaza from electing a new one. Similarly Gaza could not get international recognition of their existing government. They were suffering under the conditions imposed on them, and had few - if any - other ways to bring attention to their plight.

I wish they could have found another way, but this is what they chose. It was awful. Now what is being brought upon them by Israel is even worse.

Comment Re:It's all Communism (Score 1) 19

restricted from Gaza

How, and be specific, has Israel precluded development in Gaza? There is a coast and a border with Egypt

Israel dictates how far from the coast people from Gaza can travel, and they have maintained a land and sea blockade around Gaza since at least 2007

The Palestinians have not had a choice.

Always with the conspiracy theories, damn_registrars...

There is nothing conspiratorial about it. I already showed you how Israeli restrictions have prevented Gaza from holding an election. The restrictions in place would make any election held in Gaza illegitimate.

Comment Re:Well, you've at least copied the links (Score 1) 9

You personally brought up recruitment issues. You claimed yourself that recruitment is down. It might be, but you can't find any factual evidence to support that claim.

I never claimed the military was perfect. I only have repeatedly pointed out that you have not supported your recruitment claim at all. I would presume the data is out there, yet you can't seem to be bothered to find it. Is that because it doesn't support your claim?

Comment Re:It's not that simple of a question (Score 1) 414

As with labeling everything threatening "Your Team's" vice-grip on power a "conspiracy", you are wrong.

Good one, there. If the folks who are not on Your Team had any kind of "vice-grip on power", why are they not capable of accomplishing anything? Can you point to a single bill that has made it through the house that was started solely by a democrat since 2021?

If you had a fact-based gripe against Biden I would not call it a conspiracy. What you keep parading out here for Your Team though has collectively had zero factual support.

Comment Re:It's not that simple of a question (Score 1) 414

Are you so benighted as to overlook that fact that a population has been brainwashed?

I didn't know we were discussing the GOP here, I thought we were talking about Palestinians.

Ohhhh, sick burn.

There was a time not that long ago that you did not parrot every conspiracy and talking point from Your Team. I miss that time.

the approval rating for Hamas in Gaza is actually very very low

While 42% is a pretty stellar approval rating compared to any POTUS that Your Team has managed to appoint into the white house, it's really not that great given the circumstances. As mentioned in the article, out of a population of over 2 million in Gaza, the survey only reached 1,231 people in the West Bank and Gaza.

Comment Re:I'm only highlighting conspiracies you endorse (Score 1) 31

What makes them "show trials"? If they were "show trials" then why did so may people plead guilty? It would be one thing if they were charged with jaywalking or some other trivial offense but these folks from Your Team opted to plead guilty to felony level offenses. They had the right to contest the charges, and some did. Please, show us uninformed citizens what was "show trial" about this.

If anything the show trial is the one Your Team has launched from the US House. Starting impeachment before having any evidence of any crime is quite the tactic.

Comment Re:No on believes you (Score 1) 24

Your conspiracy about the military is that whatever state you think it is in is somehow solely the fault of Biden, and it happened only since his presidency while things were perfectly hunky-dory under Your Dear Leader.

I keep bringing up the recruitment numbers for two reasons
  • You brought them up specifically
  • it is the only part of your conspiracy that one could evaluate numerically.

You said recruitment is down. IF that is the case - and you give me more and more reason to doubt it - then it should be really easy to show that with numbers from the military. The best you've done so far is to show that 2023 numbers aren't meeting goals, but that doesn't tell us anything about how the actual numbers compare to any other year. Goals may have been set higher than realized numbers from last year.

Comment Re:That's an oversimplification of the question (Score 1) 55

You found the equivocation that you wanted to see. I have stated many times that plenty of blame belongs to both sides, and that the Oct 7 attack was terrible.

I have also more than once asked what you would do if you were in the situation the Palestinians have found themselves in, and you have never offered a different path for them. They can't vote, they can't leave, they can't pursue education, all they can do is try to exist in the forced poverty that they are born into.

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