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Comment Finland (Score 1) 148

Hah. Almost was tempted to pick the "there is no winter where I live" option. Finland is known for very cold temperatures with lots of snow and ice, but that really hasn't been true for the few past years anymore. Just remember to grab some kind of coat and some thin gloves when you go outdoors, and you will be mostly fine.

Comment It makes sense but.... (Score 1) 54

So the major players want to bring some order to the bazaar. So be it - they can try. There are small projects that will probably decide to cooperate, and will because they are a one- or two- person effort - but the projects that truly behave like a bazaar will remain as coordinated or uncoordinated as they still are.

I don't see this effort being capable of shoving an agenda down anybody's throats - if you don't care for the agenda, don't. Submit your code to the project as and when you see fit, and work on the bits you want to. If tomorrow they want to address what they see as glaring issues in GNU's netcat, they'll be able to throw resources at it collectively - but I doubt they'll be able to tap GNU's shoulder and say "hey, give us some of 'your' devs to fix this."

In the end, if the effort results in a pooled selection of developers, incentivized directly and collectively (read: employed) by the companies, to work on aspects of open source projects they have communal stake in, to common goals and specification, that is probably going to be a good thing.

If they fork any of the technologies that is fine too - that's exactly what GNU GPLv3 was meant to allow them to do. They just can't expect to fork the maintainers and community too.

If however there is a scenario in which volunteers can be coerced into their way or the highway, that scenario must be understood and countermeasures prepared by those who would stand to lose from it. Don't take it too seriously, but don't take it in any way lightly either.

Submission + - Say Goodbye to that Unwanted U2 Album ( 3

Ronin Developer writes: Apple has listened to the complaints of those who object to having received a pushed copy of U2's latest album as part of their recent campaign. While nobody has been charged for the download, some objected to having it show up in their purchases and, in some cases, pushed down to their devices.

While it is possible to remove the album from your iTunes library, it takes more steps than most would like to take. Apple has responded and released a tool to make it possible to remove the album from your iTunes library in a single step.

Submission + - Slashdot Help: Good and Bad Server Racks

An anonymous reader writes: Hey Slashdot. Need some help. I am a IT guy at a small company; 12 employees. I've been tasked with getting a simple server rack. After doing some research I'm still unsure of which I should get. There are lots of companies and huge price differences. I think we should get a rack cabinet, but I can't tell the difference between the cheap and expensive kind. Any advice on possible pitfalls and must haves is welcome.

Comment Article shows fundamental lack of understanding (Score 2) 183

"We have no plans to do anything like that. Swift is a new option for developing on the platform. We have no plans to drop C, C++ or Objective-C. If youÃ(TM)re happy with them, please feel free to keep using them."

"Swift is Apple's modern, type-safe language for Cocoa development But Objective-C remains a first-class citizen too"

Seems like it's not meant to supplant but to live alongside it.

Submission + - Ask Slashdot: Have you experienced Fear Driven Development (FDD) ? ( 1

nerdyalien writes: Few years back, I worked for a large-scale news-media related web development project in a South-East Asian country. Despite formally adopting Agile/Scrum as the SDLC, development was driven based on fear imposed by managers, and architects who were proficient in ADD — A**hole Driven Development. Project ran 4x over its initial estimation, and not to forget those horrendous 18 hours/day, 6 days/week shifts with pizza dinners. For better or worse, I was asked to leave half way thru the project due to a row with the manager; which followed with poor performance reviews and delayed promotion. Are FDD and ADD here to stay ?

NSW Police Named as FinFisher Spyware Users 73

Bismillah writes Wikileaks' latest release of documents shows that the Australian New South Wales police force has spent millions on licenses for the FinFisher set of law enforcement spy- and malware tools — and still has active licenses. What it uses FinFisher, which has been deployed against dissidents by oppressive regimes, for is yet to be revealed. NSW Police spokesperson John Thompson said it would not be appropriate to comment "given this technology relates to operational capability".

Comment Simple (Score 2) 610

This problem could have been easily avoided. Send iTunes users an announcement that they can go to the store and get the U2 album for free, if they want to. That's how the game stores Steam and GOG usually do these kind of things. I have not seen them chucking any items into my library against my will.

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