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Comment Re:You mean... (Score 1) 243

That'd be a much better rant if Netflix actually, y'know, HAD a dedicated Tivo-like box to store things in. They don't.

I can't figure out if you totally missed my point, or totally got it.

Me: "This dog smells awful!" You: "Your rant would be better, if the dog weren't covered in shit."

Comment Re:Protect us against cyber-threats? (Score 1) 103

Convert to Islam or die.

This is not, nor has it ever been a central tenet of Islam. This cannot be viewed in political or historical isolation.

"Convert to Christianity under Papal authority or die by red-hot poker" was a governing principal of church and state - at the center of Europe's most powerful empire, for nearly 200 years. It was never the message of Jesus, regardless of your belief in Christianity. But scripture and political expropriation of pseudo-theology made that it seem so.

I hope someday you have a daughter who marries a an African Muslim. You might be forced to reconsider many of the things that you "know" so assuredly.

Comment Re:Typical (Score 1) 8

Which is all well and good, but we'll never achieve our own godhood just lolling about in the sunshine.

I got no problem with the concept of civilization being built upon blood and bones, I just don't see it as the ultimate evil. Close, but no cigar.

Comment Re:Protect us against cyber-threats? (Score 3, Insightful) 103

You're a racist cunt. People are people, and want/need basically the same things - if you don't push them into corners and poke at them with sticks.

The thugs? Products of our selective, post-colonial domination. Nobody rallies round a bully, when they have nothing much to fear.

Comment Re:Protect us against cyber-threats? (Score 0) 103


Exactly. "What you mean 'We', White Man?"

Why not disband the NSA and instead spend the hundreds of billions of dollars that fascist cess-pit drinks off of the public teat - instead spending a decent fraction on making FRIENDS, not ENEMIES? There are a lot of schools, hospitals and high-school diplomas that could be bought, all round-the-world. You wouldn't have a popular resistance to American influence in the world, were that influence actually benign.

Comment Re:You mean... (Score 5, Insightful) 243

I think the idea is that you pay the ISP for a "Netflix booster", and then your Netflix traffic gets un-humped into the fast lane.

Is it just me, or does anyone else see the foolishness in one of the highest volume uses of the Internet also being one of the highest priority? That people are thinking of the huge transfers of pre-produced video as being something other than the dead last, lowest priority cheapest-per-byte traffic there is, is totally ridiculous.

The only things that should be "fast laned" (low latency) are VoIP, videoconferencing, interactive terminals, etc: most of which is either low-bandwidth or else niche. If "high priority" is what many peoples' connections are doing several hours per day, then our very sense of "priorities" is fucked up.

I can't say I'm a fan of the ISPs that Netflix is fighting with, but at the same time: Fuck Netflix. Netflix is a case study in how to do video technologically wrong and it seems like they're just totally ignoring common sense. Why shouldn't doing things like a luddite, be relatively expensive? (Really, having storage in your box is still considered prohibitively expensive? It sure wasn't expensive in 2000 with Tivo series 1. Things got worse since then?!?) If the pampered princess insists that her cake be delivered from the kitchen a bite at a time and the commoner just puts a whole slice on his plate and takes a bite at the table whenever he wants it, we expect the princess' servants to be rolling their eyes when she's not looking, embezzeling, etc.

When we have broken up the monopolies and our streets have conduits under them containing a dozen competing fibers, we can re-evaluate the tech from our position of abundance. Maybe video streaming won't be on-the-face-of-it-stupid, then. But that's the future, not today.

Comment Re:" Foley's killers may have thought of him as le (Score 1) 11

'Zactly. PNAC/Likud false-flag plan to shatter the political status quo of the region. Exacerbate identity-based politics (Zionist "tell") and derive opportunity out of ensured resulting chaos.

Iraq and Syria were the two LEADING states that - for varying reasons - minimized ethnic/identity basis for state integrity, opportunity and use of power. One is shattered using ethnic "Balkanization", and another on the verge. Lebanon became valid and healthy only after settling these internal divisions in a loose compromise. The fingerprint of Shin Bet and Mossad in re-opening these conflicts (with Rafic Hariri assassination, etc.) is evident to anyone who evaluates the evidence without starting from a conclusion.

Don't you see? You play into this hand of manipulation yourself, when you drive postings that pose theological difference and superiority.

Comment Re: Why do you hate freedom? (Score 1) 267

I can "ghost" MAC on every OS known to man - practically. Most of those with a Berkeley-derived TCP stack are
sudo ifconfig /dev/device lladdr xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx

What we want here is not to just selfishly hide - but to pollute their collection with billions of plausible "false positive" pseudo computers and mobiles.

Comment Re:NSA scorecard on on truth? (Score 1) 200

"We didn't spy on Congressional office holders, or their staffers. We don't conduct mass surveillance. We track only metadata. Our Agency leadership has been exceptionally truthful at all times, under every circumstance. We have never lied about these things in general public statements or in sworn testimony. Edward Snowden is a bad man, a liar and a dangerous enemy of the people of this country."

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