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Comment Re:Bullshit Stats. (Score 4, Insightful) 496

So people who are artists and nurses are stupid?

You are a moron,and I hope you have a lot of daughters so you can watch and try to fight a variety of entrenched attitudes and systems that push them away from what they want to do.
I have a daughter who like science and want's to be a game designer. I see how she has it stacked against her compared to my son.

Society pushes those biases onto the kids, not just parents.

Comment Re:LOL ... w00t? (Score 0) 561

If they release a "My CEO Barbie" playset tomorrow, the SJW's and white knights will call it "patronizing."

You know, if they release "My CEO Barbie" and all she does is yammer about getting her nails done, it would be patronizing.

Seriously, why so bitter? Got a tiny penis that's been laughed at and now you blame all your problems on women?

Or just nothing intelligent to add to the conversation?

Comment Re:I bet Amazon would love to hire more women. (Score 4, Insightful) 496

" One was competent (but a manly lumber dyke), the rest were air thieves."
So you add a worthless antidote, use negative slang to describe them, and imply the more manly one is the better they are?

Nice way to stack up the microaggression right into misogyny AND homophobia.

Comment Re:So close, so far (Score 2) 561

Where do you find actual chemistry sets with actual chemicals in them that can actually make interesting things?

This wasn't the classic chemistry set with a bunch of things in it.

This was a really cool one by a company I don't remember for younger kids. It came with safety glasses, plastic beakers and measuring cups and a few things for mixing and measuring ... and a cool little book which gave them some really basic chemistry (like baking soda and vinegar volcanoes) which could be done at home by young kids.

We weren't looking for explosions and the like. :-P

But, nonetheless, it wasn't some "make cookies play set", it was an actual bit of hands on demonstrations of everyday science.

We thought it was pretty awesome, and she seemed to agree.

Comment Re:orly? (Score 1) 62

I cut everyone in the family who are argumentative*, gets sloppy drunk, and like to fight ut of my holidays.
My families holidays are relaxing and stress free. Family is a two way street. If they can't respect my family and home, then I don't need to invite them over.
Frankly, I don't understand people who put up with the crap.

*I don't mean people I can have a civil discusses with who happen to be arguing a different POV.

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