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Comment Re:What a surprise. (Score 2) 582

I wish they would actually do that. Czech are notoriously bad when it comes to foreign languages. I live in Germany and visit Prague every now and then.When I ask for directions in English, I get something unintelligible as reply. When I try in German, they give me blank stares. When I repeat my question in Russian (yes, I speak Russian as well), they either reply in Russian or they reply in Czech but it is often close enough to understand - Slavic languages are like that.

Comment Re:"treating it as an accident" (Score 1) 503


The payment of compensation was explicitly characterized by the US as being on an ex gratia basis, and the U.S. denied having any responsibility or liability for what happened.

or that priceless quote of Shrub the senior:

I will never apologize for the United States of America, ever. I don't care what the facts are!

Comment Re:Ah. (Score 1) 752

Thirst they claimed that there were no missiles fired that day in first place. Except that it was a complete lie, Ukrainian troops in Crimea were firing anti-aircraft missiles at some target drones that day.

Don't forget the first official reaction of their then-president: "We should not make a tragedy out of matters if it was a mistake. Bigger mistakes have been made."

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