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Comment Re:Why? (Score 1) 465

Gender and age mean nothing as far as hardcore stuff goes.

A long time ago I was working as a field tech in a large organization, and the most disturbing collection of hardcore porn that we ever found was on a laptop belonging to a lady in her late 50s. It was a company laptop, not her own.

Some of the stuff was so bad that the cops were called. I was not the one doing the inventory but I remember the face of the dude who did, and I bet he still has nightmares. I won't get into too much details, let's just say that some of the files on that computer would have come up if someone had done a keywords search for "rape" AND "diapers".

Comment Re:If you don't like it.... (Score 0) 431

you are a theocrat and a totalitarian.
[...] There's also no such thing as Darwinism. There's science, and science has shown that Evolution is an observed fact

Thank you for posting this darwinist version of Shahadah, and for doing so in a manner that truly illustrates how actual theocrats and totalitarians behave.

Take a chill pill then read my post again. This time you may notice that I did not say that I was for/against any of the pillars of the two religions I mentioned; as it happens I share most of the beliefs of Liberals. However I'm respectful enough not to try to shove them down the throat of other people. That's the difference between "promoting democracy" and "promoting democracy as long as the other person agrees with my values" (i.e. being a big phony).

Comment Re:If you don't like it.... (Score 0, Troll) 431

A shame the kids themselves don't get a say in their indoctrination & skewed education.

Islam has five pillars: declaration of belief, daily prayers, alms, fasting and Mecca pilgrimage.

Liberalism also has five pillars: democracy, darwinism, global warming, gay marriage and right to elective abortion.

Anybody who adheres to one of those religions believes that their children should be taught the relevant five pillars. That does not mean that people who disagree are idiots or ignorant.

Comment Re:Why? (Score 1) 465

My co-worker gave me his personal tablet to use for work purposes (app testing), with his photos and music still on it.

I can understand if you don't care about the data, but I would still advise you to take a quick look at the pictures and possibly at the browsing history to make sure that you don't need to coat this thing with Purell (or dip it in rubbing alcohol).

Any Geeksquad veteran will tell you that there is a surprisingly large number of people who do ungodly things with their iPads (and I don't mean taking pictures of their tuna salad at Applebees).

You have to be careful with "second hand" devices...

Comment Re:Wake me they fix namespaces (Score 1) 254

What exactly would be a correct namespace implementation? Are you getting your panties in a bunch because one has to type "use My\Own\Namespace;" instead of "import My.Own.Namespace;"? Because that's basically the only difference with languages like java or C#.

Actually I find PHP namespaces less clunky than the reverse domain notation used in java. I don't know who came up with that idiotic approach but countless man-hours have been wasted in history by people typing the "com." or "org." part of the libraries they imported.

Comment Re:Too Little, Too Late & MtGox (Score 1) 254

You complain about == and === in PHP, but then you bring up a javascript solution (Node.js) as an alternative. This leads me to believe that if *you* decided to rewrite Mt Gox using your beloved Node, another hacker would probably get rich pretty soon. And just as it happened with the PHP version of Mt Gox, the problem would lie in the implementation not in the language.

Comment Re:Wake me they fix namespaces (Score 1) 254

Wake up time. PHP actually has a pretty decent way to remove "garbage". First they make the compiler (and documentation) warn you about a feature being made obsolete in a future version, and then a few versions later they do remove the feature.

Here is an example (quote from the manual):

As of PHP 5.3.0, you will get a warning saying that "call-time pass-by-reference" is deprecated when you use & in foo(&$a);. And as of PHP 5.4.0, call-time pass-by-reference was removed, so using it will raise a fatal error.

Comment Re:PHP (Score 1) 254

As soon as the BASIC ecosystem gets a good templating framework like Twig, a good package management system like Composer or PEAR, convenient SDKs for most cloud providers like AWS or Azure, native support for JSON and easy access to mainstream database drivers (RDBMS and NoSQL), I'm definitely jumping on the BASIC bandwagon!

Seriously, if you compare programming languages based on HelloWorld, it's easy to come out with worthless conclusions such as BASIC > $ANYTHING or $ANYTHING > PHP, but when you have to deliver web solutions quickly for clients who frequently change their mind about fundamental aspects of their business or expect your solution to support the latest fad of the week (be it a new social network or a new trend in web design), PHP is pretty convenient. On the other hand I have yet to find a situation where BASIC would allow someone to solve a real world problem except maybe fixing that bug in Gorilla.bas, which is a bit of an edge case.

Comment Re:Not sure what you're talking about (Score 2) 254

Getting a VM (VPS) is not the same as shared hosting. WIth a VM you have to install, maintain, patch and monitor everything yourself. Obviously cheap providers that offer PHP/MySQL hosting for $3 a month won't offer terrific performance, the resources will be shared with a lot of other customers, but for a simple website with maybe a shopping cart and a small catalog it's far less overhead to use shared hosting than a VM and there is a big market for that.

This being said, there are lots of cheap hosts that offer not only PHP but also Perl and Python; even Java or .Net providers can be found for $7 per month. So I'm not sure why the OP talks about $100/mo.

As for cheap solutions: OpenShift (Red Hat) has a pretty decent free tier that comes with PHP, Perl, Python, Ruby, Node.js and MySQL, but to run java it gets more expensive quickly (about $50).

Comment Re: assuming too much (Score 5, Funny) 137

Gotcha, you're a dude. Girls never use "btw": they use "fyi" with a whiny, self-righteous sarcastic undertone.

Thinking of that, this applies to flamboyant gay males as well.

So you are either an overweight straight guy in his early 30s or a Perl script written by an overweight straight guy in his early 30s.

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