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User Journal

Journal Journal: Scapegoat...

Well, if things continue the way they are, I can see this company using me as a scapegoat... but, sadly, that won't solve the problems that are cropping up. *sigh*

On a positive note:
Well, maybe not positive, but interesting and justice being served:

User Journal

Journal Journal: Still here.. still doggin away

In case anyone is readin this.
I'm still at the same company.
The project is nearing completion.

I'm ready for it to be done.

I'm ready to be comfortable looking for a new job.

No unfinished business....

User Journal

Journal Journal: To make matters worse...

I was bitchin about the situation to a co-worker, and I later found out my manager actually came in during my tirade (cubicles, I didn't see him come in). *sigh*

We had an IT meeting later that briefly hit on current attitudes.

My co-worker said afterwards that he suspect that was directed at me.

YA THINK!?!?!?!?!?!?!

(*heavy heavy sarcasm*)

User Journal

Journal Journal: Less than 2 hours ago...

Barely an hour ago, I was ready to write in this journal how things have improved here at work. They have the resident "expert" helping me as his priority (until Today is over) and the site has grown and advanced by leaps and bounds.

Then I went to a meeting about my project. (We've been meeting daily this week...)

User Journal

Journal Journal: Working from home....

This seemed like it was going to be such a good job...

however, now I find that it's going to drive me insane...

The stress and expectations of this job is destroying me. I "acquired" a project that they had had since October. I started it in March. And now they want it done.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Memorial weekend, what a memorable weekend!!

All I can say is wow.
Maybe WOW!

Nope, that still doesn't cover it.

hell. what a fucking awesome weekend I had.

Curious? ;)

Email me if ya know me and maybe I'll share..

Why not post it here?
Um... let's just say I'm trying to keep this blog as family friendly as possible..
Oh? the cuss words? Well, shit.
Good point.

User Journal

Journal Journal: News of old job

Well, the pain in the ass has finally quit at my old job. Why the hell couldn't he have done so last year? *sigh*

They are moving the IT office upstairs. Everyone is going to get cubicles.

The old IT Office will become the server room. AND finally it is going to get its own AC unit to keep it cool. The temp in the server closet was always too high...

User Journal

Journal Journal: Where does the time GO?

Well, here it is May already. :)

I've worked at my new job for 2 months now. I really like it here (although there were some perks at my old job that this one doesn't have... like my old IT Manager. I will NEVER have another like Gary. I'll miss him...)

User Journal

Journal Journal: One month...

And a whole lotta changes... :)

Changes for the best I believe.

New job, new city. New people.

I'm really excited.. no more boredom!!! :)

User Journal

Journal Journal: GUI re-creations continued..

Since last Wednesday, that same GUI that I created numerous times has been re-created at least 6 times more...


User Journal

Journal Journal: Hmmph

We won't even mention how many goddamn times I have recreated the same goddamn forms because the GUI dude hasn't decided what they need to look like yet...

User Journal

Journal Journal: Worse and Worse

Things just keep getting worse and worse.

I have a job interview on Feb 8th though! :)
There is still hope.

In fact, I am to the point that if this job doesn't pan out, I am ready to begin actively searching for a new job.

Getting my certifications for Programmers in Microsoft...

Only 7 thousand dollars, but hey, they guarantee!! *sigh*

Who the hell am *I* kidding.

I can dream... but it is an option.. sorta...

More later

User Journal

Journal Journal: Jeez

Found an awesome project manager. We all agreed we liked him. He came in and took over. Many things changed.

His big plan is to bring in contracted programmers to do most of the work.

I am not being included in anything. I get to design GUI's during the meetings with the SME's. I have no input on how to design things or anything. In fact, it is to the point that they are excluding me from any meetings and everything.

I'm really frustrated.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Interesting article...

and even more interesting paragraph...

"The only reason to have a software company's employees work in an office these days is control, both of employees' schedules and of what they work on. Self-motivated geniuses have no need of offices and may even resent being asked to show up at one on a regular schedule, which means that many of the world's best programmers will never work for Google, Microsoft or any other company. Instead, they'll start their own software companies or, in many cases,

User Journal

Journal Journal: My web app

It appears that the graphics have been completed for the program I wrote. They aren't THAT great, but I suppose if it is what they wanted...

However, I believe (and I do not know for certain) that there is a conference call right now about the project. For some reason, I am not involved with it. Instead, they brought in the contracted co-worker (Who did NOT write the program, he helped me a bit, but...) and they are discussing the interface.

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Systems programmers are the high priests of a low cult. -- R.S. Barton
