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Journal Kris_B_04's Journal: Jeez

Found an awesome project manager. We all agreed we liked him. He came in and took over. Many things changed.

His big plan is to bring in contracted programmers to do most of the work.

I am not being included in anything. I get to design GUI's during the meetings with the SME's. I have no input on how to design things or anything. In fact, it is to the point that they are excluding me from any meetings and everything.

I'm really frustrated.

Interestingly enough, I got contacted by a head hunter, but it is for a permanent position in East Central Kansas. Close to my son. Close to my old friends. I have an interview on February 8th. And with things going the way they are going here, there is nothing to keep me here. I like working with my IT Manager. He is awesome. But other things are making it worse and I can't stay just cuz I get along great with one person. As it is, I am living pay check to pay check, barely able to pay my bills. This new job may pay a bit more, but it will have other benefits. One main benefit will be the fact that I won't be judged on being a "newbie". Maybe. Maybe not. But now I have some experience under my belt and hopefully I would get treated as such. I've grown, but I am still currently seen as unexperienced. Many things I do get outsourced.

I don't know. Maybe I will never be happy, but right now, I am downright pissy.

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