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Journal Kris_B_04's Journal: Interesting article...

and even more interesting paragraph...

"The only reason to have a software company's employees work in an office these days is control, both of employees' schedules and of what they work on. Self-motivated geniuses have no need of offices and may even resent being asked to show up at one on a regular schedule, which means that many of the world's best programmers will never work for Google, Microsoft or any other company. Instead, they'll start their own software companies or, in many cases, Open Source-based consultancies."

now.. how do I share that with my boss? LOL Who am I kidding... I do like my job, ya know!

Is Microsoft Still a Monopoly

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Interesting article...

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What is wanted is not the will to believe, but the will to find out, which is the exact opposite. -- Bertrand Russell, "Skeptical Essays", 1928
