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Comment Re:He's good. (Score 2, Insightful) 198

Not to mention that defrauding banksters isn't the crime it is made out to be

Actually, even if you've managed to delude yourself into thinking that it's OK to steal from people you don't like, defrauding bankers hurts us all here. Here's why: 1) It costs the bank's customers through higher credit interest and lower debit interested 2) If the bank fails customers are likely to lose out (although most individual customers will have their deposits guaranteed by the state) 3) The state guarantees deposits of individual customers (up to a certain limit) so, if the state has to bail out those customers, we all pay.

banks don't fail over $1.8m if they weren't going to fail already.

The banks can't just raise rates to make up for it, either, then customers will go elsewhere. If anything this just encourages banks to operate with more efficiency.

Comment foreign policy (Score 1) 341

I'm more concerned about the effect this has on peoples' perception of our foreign policy. If people understood exactly how easy it is to build a Uranium atomic bomb (I understand we're talking about hydrogen here), they might feel very differently about being ok with Iran saying no to UN or IAEA regulator snooping.

Hydrogen bomb knowledge is still not exactly common (like the uranium bomb knowledge is) so I can understand and even support their interest here. This isn't even about domestic consumption, anybody here could figure it out how to find the info if they really wanted, it's about foreign power

Comment Re:Okay but... (Score 1) 128

I strongly recommend watching "This Film is Not Yet Rated"... it applies just as well to the ESRB as it does to the MPAA.

yeah, maybe not. that move is a complete waste of time.

from a non-pessimistic viewpoint, it actually makes a sort of sense that the head of the publisher of the most controversial, well selling rating-pushing game would be the head of the rating agency. He has more experience with parents fussing than anyone

Comment Re:FMH (Score 1) 128

Near as I can tell, every official "ratings" operation I've ever encountered has been, to paraphrase OWK, a hive of scum and villainy. Almost never do the ratings make sense, they pay absolutely no mind to the actual state of knowledge / interest / sophistication of young people, they routinely ok violence and they pull their virtual lace panties up over their own heads if sex rears its terrifying, world-destroying head... seriously, on the list of people I'd like to bitch slap until my hand hurts, ratings boards are right near the top.

Seriously. Ratings boards. Ugh.

you still have a fairly low user ID so I wouldn't expect you to be at a point where you've seen the full impact of your decisions. It's natural that you would still consider the establishment's judgements with such disdain

Comment Re:commercials and young kids (Score 1) 163

Life is about grey and tradeoffs.

Good parenting is about knowing the tradeoffs and finding a solution that doesn't require you into compromising "compensating advantages" and getting "Upset" daughters (have them). TV was and is Optional. I chose to give up some conveniences for the sake of raising my kids better than the marketers wanted me to raise them.

At age two - three, there is NOTHING on TV worth getting a brat at the store. Read them a book. Play with them in the sandbox. Teach them YOUR values, one of mine was, "you're more important to me than plopping you in front of a TV for the next three hours".

when I was a kid I watched Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood and Reading Rainbow and Winnie the Pooh.

trade offs is compromise which is how we got stuck with voting for only 1 of 2 people-- because we believed the lie that "voting for someone besides those two is throwing your vote away" instead of correctly being told "the only way to throw your vote away is by voting for someone you don't agree with"

Comment do you really have to ask? (Score 2) 163

This is marked funny, but think about it for a minute. Our computers, phones, tablets -- even watches -- are collecting way more information than this Barbie is and yet how many people think these ubiquitous machines are creepy? Not many. The lesson here might be this: the shape of the surveillance device doesn't make it creepy -- what it collects is what makes it creepy. Oddly though, very few people are creeped out by their own phone.

Two conclusions based on "shape irrelevant":

1) Barbie, phones, computers etc. etc. have become extremely creepy surveillance devices (this is where I am, which is depressing, because I've loved technology for so long).

2) Barbie, phones, computers etc. etc. are surveillance devices and surveillance is totally not creepy -- just don't care.

To mix and match 1 & 2 though, making barbie creepy and siri not, is inconsistent and illogical.

a good childhood is about innocence, fun, and the world being in general a good place.

Big Brother is there to help with that.

Comment Re:Should A Young Lady's Illustrated Primer.... (Score 1) 163

...be a book or a doll? In an age where Internet is thick on the ground, no contest.

So, will a weak-AI owned by a for-profit company inspire little girls to have this conversation:

"Mom! The Raspberry Pi 2 is out! It's got four ARM7 cores! My 3D printer would print a pair of ruby slippers in under an HOUR! Please!"

            or this one?

"Mom! If I want to be a size zero, I need Kellog's Brand Nutrigrain Bars!"

wait a minute, are those the only two options?

neither seems quite right to me

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