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Comment Re:Occams Scalpel (Score 2) 962

No matter who you are, what your personality is, etc there will always be some people out there that don't like you, won't hire you, or otherwise throw negativity your way even if you've done absolutely nothing to earn their hate.

Very true. So when that happens to me, is that because of the matriarchy trying to keep my manliness in check?

Your reaction is what I've noticed most women get if they even gently bring something up. It's 100% complete denial and blame the messenger.

What I can't figure out is why?

Because that's what we do when people are wrong?

I've noticed when people bring up the idea that the holocaust never happened, they get 100% complete denial and blame the messenger. Hrm ... I wonder why.

True, this behavior may be a small group of bad apples, but by denying the problem exists at all you're enabling those bad apples to continue doing what they do.

Nobody is denying that the problem exists. That's the kind of absurd strawman that always ends up derailing these discussions. What people are telling you is that:

1. Everyone gets harassed at some point. You don't see me going around talking about what an unsafe environment comicon is just because some chick grabbed my ass.
2. Problems caused by a small subset of individuals should be dealt with INDIVIDUALLY, rather than by writing long-winded articles about how the whole system is horrible. Only an idiot attacks an entire community over the actions of a few individuals. We usually call that "bigotry".

Seriously, why can't we just admit women catch a lot of shit just for being women in tech?

Because it's insignificant. I've caught more flack for having a slow connection than most women catch for being women. I've seen far more men bending over backwards to help "women in tech" than I've seen trying to tear them down. Men tend to be far more cruel and destructive towards each other than they do with women. If harassment in the tech community is a problem then it's a problem for everyone, and it's absolutely ridiculous to single out women as being some special class of victim.

Comment Re:Occams Scalpel (Score 1) 962

I tend to agree with you, in general. However, I do think it is disingenuous to name a company "Girlfight" in a clear attempt to cash in on their sexuality, then contribute to an article complaining about it.

That's feminism for you in a nutshell. The "skepchick" website rose to fame in no small part thanks to putting out a (artistic-ish) nude calendar of their members, and encouraging male adoration. Then once they had enough of a following, they decided it was now misogynistic for men to comment on their appearance or think of them in a sexual way. Lots of women have gained prominence by using their sexuality to their advantage, only to later go on long-winded rants about how nobody should be "objectifying" them.

Comment Re:Pft (Score 1, Insightful) 962

You realize that there's more difference between your average man and your average woman than between your average NFL linebacker and your average man, right?

Oh, geeze, don't let a feminist hear you say that! Every time someone suggests women maybe aren't suitable to being firefighters or combat soldiers, the wymins go apeshit.

You do realize how commonly women are raped and abused by men, and how they might happen to be more sensitive to the implicit or explicit threats of violence from someone that they're highly unlikely to be able to fight off?

According to the newest stats, not really that much more often than men are abused or raped by women. Domestic violence cases split almost 50/50. Sexual violence victims are still mostly women, but men come in very close behind now that we've stopped defining "rape" in a way that makes it impossible for women to be rapists.

And men being abused by men ... holy shit. If we took your approach, every man in the world should be "more sensitive to the imiplicit or explicit threats of violence", to the point where we'd pee our pants as soon as another man looked at us funny.

Difference is, men don't try to justify freaking out and overreacting by pointing to statistics. And neither do most women, for that matter; the ones who do are just a very loud minority.

Comment Re: Here we go... (Score 1) 454

They will produce their way out of poverty and buy the damn land back.

You've apparently never been to Camden. These people have failed to produce their way out of poverty for decades. Hint: they're not Jews.

Also, you're an asshole. Jews are doing well in all free countries, so that's why the Palestinians in Gaza are so poor? It's because they're not Jews? It doesn't have anything to do with the fact that they're living in a concentration camp? Non sequitur much?

Cue cries of "These people?!?! These people?!?!"

Comment Re: Here we go... (Score 1) 454

I wonder... what if we borrowed Tel Aviv for a few decades, cleared out all the Israelis and instead filled it with the current residents of Camden, NJ, then forced them into ever-worsening poverty, then subjected them to airstrikes and ground assaults.... and then offered to return the territory to Israel?

Do you think Israel would want it back?

Comment Re:Here we go... (Score 1) 454

As much as I have sympathy for the Israelis, their moral justification is gone and it isn't coming back, no more than the Ghengis Khan is going to make reparations to a large swath of the planet and regain the respect and sympathies of those whose families he slaughtered.

Is it fair that the moral high ground has left the hands of the Israelis? Probably not. Did it happen? Yes. Will they ever get it back? Not in any meaningful way.

For their own sake, it is time to move on. If their answer is to keep killing Arabs, I'd think even unconditional surrender and capitulation would be preferable to any group that is actually concerned about ethical action.

The Arabs are angry. They aren't going anywhere, and they don't like the rhetoric that has been thrown at them about being crammed into concentration camps. They remember genocide, and they aren't going back to having even more of their land annexed. The airstrikes and ground assaults will only increase the resolve of a people who have the history that the Palestinians have.

Peaceful protest did not work, especially with a country that embraces apartheid mentality like Israel does. Israel holds a hard line while rockets are shooting at their cities, and they quietly continue encroaching on Palestinian land whenever the rockets stop falling. Violence has been the only way the Palestinians have been able to preserve the integrity of their territory for 66 years, and that isn't going to change now.

The time for what is "just" has never existed. It is now time to do what we have always done. The bombs and rockets need to stop falling, and the political will to stop them simply does not exist in Israel. It's clear that the Palestinians would be subject to continually escalated injustice and land grabs by ending the struggle and bending over for the Israelis. If Israel persists in extremist settlements, as they have continually done for decades, particularly during peacetime, they will never lose the support of their chief ally, the United States. Painful as it would be, there is no military option for Palestine worth considering, but even the military option that is not worth considering is superior to the alternatives: demographic suicide as Arabs gain a majority, or official disenfranchisement of non-Jewish segments of the population.

See how that works? You're basically advocating that they just give up on life, abandon all hope, and tape their ass cheeks open for their Jewish masters. Probably about as offensive as someone suggesting that the Jews just save Hamas the trouble and go marching into the ocean on their own. If you could only take a minute to step back and see how intractable this disagreement is, you'd come to the same conclusion I did:

There's one solution that's guaranteed to shut these idiots up. Nuke Jerusalem. Hell, nuke the British Mandate of Palestine. All of it. A lot. Until it's below sea level. Of course, give plenty of advance notice. Even a year or two. There's no need to kill anyone. "Clear out, guys. We're nuking." Then if there's still some religious zealots that want to fight over their little corner of Biblical land, they can do so in wetsuits, and we won't have to hear about rockets and settlers anymore. When two kids aren't willing to share a toy, eventually their bickering gets annoying enough that the responsible adults just take away the fucking toy. The fact that my suggested solution doesn't draw much popular support is explained one of two ways: Either the conflict in the Middle East isn't sufficiently annoying yet, or we're not responsible adults.

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