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Comment Re:Interesting... (Score 1) 98

FTFS "I am troubled by the allegations that such dangerous and illicit activity went undetected at a federal research facility. It is essential that we determine exactly where the breakdown in protocol occurred and whether similar activities could be ongoing at other federal facilities"

The first sentence [and much of the summary] indicate that possibly illegal drugs were being made, but they weren't sure.
The second sentence was "How did this happen and is it happening elsewhere" [ie, it definitely happened, and we must stop it from happening again].

Comment Re:OS X (Score 1) 405

So, you would only consider buying an Apple-branded PC if it was exactly the same as every other manufacturers boxes, but Apple charged 20-30% less than everybody else?

I'm pretty sure everyone would buy Apple PC's then.

  Apple would have 100% marketshare. Until they ran out of money selling these at a loss, given that the margins for pretty much every other manufacturer are sub-10%.

Comment Re:The next great copyright scam (Score 5, Informative) 93

Some francise-oriented work goes on for 14 years. Not a lot.

And they aren't going "well, this first one bombed, but we'll go ahead with the other 6 anyway".

The first one makes a jillion, then they go ahead with #2. And sometimes, if #1 is a really huge hit, they'll go ahead and film #2 & #3 at the same time, particularly to make the movies cheaper and retain the characters at the same age. If #1 bombs, the rest don't ever see the light of day.

The VAST majority of the money received for 99.99% of all movies are received in the first couple of years after the movie is released.

Past that, for movies, music and books, it's a lottery ticket. Every once in awhile, it winds up being popular for longer than that, or it comes back into vogue. Basically a fluke.

Nobody OK's a movie based on the financial returns of a 90 year copyright term. They go ahead if it projects to making a good profit inside a couple of years. After that, it's straightup gravy.

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