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Comment Re:What a piece of doodoo (Score 1) 458

Here's what Apple learnt from John Sculley's time at Pepsi: If your competitor counts the number of bottles sold, while you count the revenue and profit, you let your competitor win in the sales of small bottles. Let them think they are winning while you rake in the money.

Someone needs to mod you up now dammit.

While fanbois love to have a Vietnam war style body count, isn't it supposed to be about profits?

Otherwise we'd be eating crap, because 50 million flies can't be wrong.

Comment Re:Different markets... (Score 2) 458

Microsoft sell to people who want to use computers without learning how they work.

What? Isn't it the opposite? Apple Sells Computers to people who just want to do work and not spend hours figuring out how to use the OS. Example, I have spent countless hours showing people how to do the simplest of things on Windows 8.0 / 8.1.

I have no idea where he got that idea, because my experience was much more like yours. The PC was fragile, updates broke programs and reset options, people had to constantly re-learn things to do what they had already been doing (ribbon and 8/8.1) and other productivity killers that necessitated many PC support people.

But one thing. I use terminal in OSX a lot to do quite a bit of stuff. It can do a lot of cool stuff very quickly. You just have to look at OSX as the biggest Linux distro out there.

Comment Re: Different markets... (Score 1) 458

If anything, the industrial design aspect of Apple's products and even high price were side effects. The first was a nice to have, the second not so nice to have. But it didn't change a damn thing. It was always about the core user experience.

Yes. I've spent a lot of time futzing with my PC's a lot working with my Macs. There is a reason why companies have a lot of people keeping their PCs running. People who use PCs at work probably give a big boost to Apple for their home products.

The price. After watching two nerds nearly come to blows over a 5 cent difference in the price of a RAM stick some years ago, I find the whole thing rather silly. I get the impression that all slashdotters drive around in Toyota Corollas, or whatever else the cheapest car is at the moment.

This is not like the Apple costs 20 times what a comparable PC costs. This is a relatively small amount, and often when similar features are compared, the differential is darn small. No comparing an old EEPC netbook to a macbook plus thankyouvery much.

Comment Re:Create a $140 billion business out of nothing? (Score 1) 458

I think its pretty simple. Microsoft overlooked the entertainment part of the market, and stuck with the business/productivity focus almost exclusively. Microsoft remains dominant in business. Apple got it when it came to entertainment and social aspects, and has reaped the benefits of addressing that part of the market.

That's part of it. Several years back, the MS fans bragged about their choice of peripherals, add ons, cards that they could buy, while the measly Apples were stuck with a few.

Now that same argument is used to try to explain why the MS PC is not as well integrated as the Apple product.

In addition, Apple is a hardware company first, and they have a lot of software that is knitted for the OS. I have used Final Cut Studio just about forever, and even iMovie to do video work. I've also run Adobe Premiere on the PC end because some times I just had to use a MS PC. It's quickly obvious which is the superior program, and much of that superiority is based on that integration. And the workflow in the studio suites is just doggone nice.

So whereas Apple is used to hardware/software integration, these other guys are busy trying to write to handle a lot of different machines. And that appears to be a big advantage for Apple.

Comment Re:Telegraph poles mostly gone in UK (Score 2) 132

I have a house on a street lined with telegraph poles in the UK too. The poles run wires to everyone's house. The same was true of the place I lived before moving there. In both cases, the wire fell off my house while I was living there. It hadn't been connected to anything inside the house for a very long time - telephone service came in on the other side of the house, underground. They just never got around to removing the poles and the above-ground wires that didn't have a signal going through them.

Comment Re:Create a $140 billion business out of nothing? (Score 1) 458

Uh. They most certainly did NOT create the smartphone sector. And they sure as fuck didn't do it out of "nothing"

They certainly did give it a kick in the ass though.

But can we stop slobbing the Apple knob?

If in the ideal world of the apple hater, I wonder what version of DOS we would be using on our Blackberry's?

Comment Re:Uber does as well, or better (Score 2) 277

I do not know about taxis but yes garbage collectors in some areas require political connections to get the jobs. I live in thd country so i pay a private contracter but the nearest city runs its own collection service paying garbage truck drivers almost $30 an hour and the helpers aroung $20 an hour. Because of this high pay, they do not loose many employees and when the do, you almost have to know someone in the city politics in order to even get your application through for consideration.

Comment Re:Cab drivers rape also (Score 1) 277

Is it really a different game when you call a footbal a zebra but everything else looks like a game of football?

What they are essentially doing is playing the same game but substituting their own rules for the league ruls by calling the same thing something different. Now this is meaningless until you attemp to play league games under those perverted riles.

Comment Re:I love how it is pushed (Score 2) 458

I cant believe people still believe that paying a carbon tax is going to do anything but make a few people richer and everyone else poorer.

What? Who are these few people who are going to get rich off a carbon tax?

There is no attention paid to space weather trends

There has been a lot of attention given to space weather, like solar dynamics. So far there has been no evidence that space weather is having warming effects. That doesn't mean that nobody has been looking. People have, especially in the energy industry, and so far what little evidence there is actually points in the opposite direction.

or the use of a carbon tax to fund a corporate policy boards that will act as a defacto world government with an agenda that is not friendly to individual rights.

I've heard this point made a lot- we can't reduce CO2 because that means a one-world government would take my guns away and force me to be an atheist, or something.

Proponents don't seem to notice that there are weather manipulation programs in place right now.

Have any reference to that other than geoengineeringwatch? Scientists do talk about that as a possible idea but so far it remains speculative, and nobody is actually trying it. Those jet trails you see over your house are from carrying passengers. Sulfuric acid just doesn't have the money to afford the ticket prices.

How is screwing up natural weather by spraying compounds into the atmosphere and shooting it with radiation just dandy but using any petroleum product is killing the earth?

(If anyone got confused by that, the "compounds" he's talking about are sulfur aerosols, not CO2.) To my knowledge the idea strikes everyone as fanciful and distasteful; it only gets discussed as a possible last ditch, desperate option. Cities would have to be pretty flooded before anyone would actually seriously consider doing that. The main argument in its favor is that one ton of sulfuric acid would be potent enough to offset the warming of about 100000 tons of CO2. That's about all that can be said for it. (FWIW, CO2 is also an acidic gas, and obviously it also "shoots the atmosphere with radiation".)

All of you Al Gore subscribers pay honor to the creation but not the creator.

The Senate just voted 98 to 1 that the climate is changing, but refused to vote on whether humans were in any way responsible. I think that if anything qualifies as "paying honor to the creation but not the creator".

You are looking for your keys under the streetlamp instead of where you lost them because the light is better there.

I think that's because we can see them under the streetlamp- if we're the type who even bothers to look at all.

I love how the lefties always say global warming is ruining everything and it is not up for debate and that 100% of scientists agree.

IIRC it's 97%, not 100%. But that's still a really good consensus for a scientific theory, especially given the financial incentives for scientists to dissent.

The planet will gain it's equilibrium back with or without your participation if it needs to.

That's definitely true- a typical CO2 molecule remains airborne for about 10,000 years before being reabsorbed. in several million years the planet will have forgotten about us, except for any mass extinction event that we might have triggered- similar to what happened during the Carboniferous period, when today's fossil fuels were actually fossilized.

The NOAA all stars could not even predict the New York blizzard accurately. Why do you think they know what the climate is going to be like in 25 years?

Rush Limbaugh said this the day after the storm. Weathermen and climatologists aren't actually the same people. In fact most of the "skeptical scientists" that appear on TV to deny climate change are actually weathermen. But even if a weatherman can't tell you whether it's going to be warmer next week than today, he can predict with good confidence that exactly six months from now it's going to be warmer than today was. You're demanding a perfect weather forecast over every possible timescale before you'll even pull your fingers out of your ears.

You sure feel smart being ugly to people that you deem as doing something wrong. It is gross how satisfied lefties feel when they get to be ugly to others. It seems to be their most favorite game. They invent reasons why others are stupid and tell each other how smart they are when they all repeat the same things. It sounds like evil chickens squawking. Just noise for the sake of the people making it.

Actually, climatologists are pretty irritated that they can't talk about their science in public without the discussions instantly getting mobbed by Rush Limbaugh fans. I see these articles and I figure, there might be actual scientists posting intelligent things in there somewhere, but I'm never going to find them through all this crud.

Did you ever think that the big push for the climate controversy may have others agendas in the payload? Did you ever consider that some of the people steering it admit this? Did you ever consider the conflict of interest that occurs when the pushers stand to make trillions if they can get the carbon tax policy in place?

I've heard a lot about scientists who are supposedly scamming the government with a giant hoax so they can get piddling NSF grants, but this is the first I've heard about wannabe trillionaires.

Comment Re:"Support" != actually sacrifice for (Score 1) 458

I can't afford $30K a year in gas tax or a Tesla. Most people can't.

But some people can. Then Tesla can get more business, they can come out with better and cheaper cars, other companies will be incentivized to sell similar cars, and someday your car will work that way too.

Say what you want about pencil pushers, they can usually do math. Most households pay about $3000 on gas per year. If you're worrying about paying $30K a year on gas taxes, that's some pretty serious driving.

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