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Comment Re:Third Dimension (Score 3, Interesting) 1197

The photography laws you vaguely allude to have one simple requirement. You can shoot anything you can see from wherever you are authorized to be [1]. If you can't see what's going on on the other side of that 6ft fence and you are not authorized to be within the confines of that fence, then you cannot legally photograph anything within the confines of that fence; you are not your drone so, even if your drone can see within the confines of that fence, if you are not authorized to be there, you can not photograph there. A plane flying overhead does have authorization, their route was explicitly approved by the FAA, the governing body that controls the airspace above US soil. Your drone does not, unless you pre-arranged it with the property owner, in which case they wouldn't be shooting it down in the first place.


[1]: On private property, the property owner can restrict photography.

Comment Re:Right to Privacy in One's Backyard? (Score 1) 1197

Actually, such devices have been classified under existing wiretap laws in many jurisdictions, making their use a criminal offense. Furthermore, if you leave your crap on my property without my permission, it is mine to do with as I see fit. Fly through my property? Fine, I might get annoyed, but whatever, you're passing through. Hover there taking pictures and video of my and mine? You're *on* my property. Rather, you've left your device on my property. Maybe I have a thing for putting holes in crap people leave on my lawn, and that's my right as it was left there, as a nuisance to me, without my permission.

Comment Re:Right to Privacy in One's Backyard? (Score 1) 1197

I believe I said:

If it is flying too high or darting around too much for you to swat it out of the sky, your only recourse is to shoot it down.

Oh, yes, there it is. Well, if you can't corral the dog in some other fashion or shoo it off your property because, for example, it is taking an aggressive posture and is about to attack, in most places yes, you can. You do have a responsibility to exhaust any less harmful means you have at your disposal before doing so.

In the case of the drone, if it were hovering in one place and low enough to swat it down with a broom, and stayed in that position while you did so, then swatting it with a broom would be the proper course of action. If, however, it is flying too high, or darting from your attempts to swat it, well, your options for recourse are limited, aren't they? Should you just accept some perv snapping pedo-pics of your young daughters because the only recourse you have left is to shoot the damn thing down? No, you should shoot the damn thing down.

Likewise, if you can grab hold of the dog's collar, you can take control of the animal and walk it back to its owner, or corral it somewhere safe until the authorities arrive. If you can't do that, if the dog is posing no threat you can let it be and call animal control to deal with it or, if you know who the owner is, a more civil response would be to contact the owner and tell them they need to come get their dog *before* you call animal control. If all else fails *and* the animal is posing a threat, yes, shoot it.

Comment Re:Is he in the right? (Score 2) 1197

If they don't want their drones shot down, they can fly them over their own property.

While I agree with your sentiment, I think you might be being a bit extreme here. There shouldn't be anything wrong with simply flying over to get from point A to point B. Hovering, lingering, making repeated passes, and, especially, hanging around until acknowledged, then taking off? Yeah, time for your toy to get shot down.

Comment Re:Right to Privacy in One's Backyard? (Score 3, Interesting) 1197

A neighbor you can ask to respect your privacy, then escalate as necessary until they do (which, in most cases, means asking again a little more strongly, but sometimes means yelling, arguing, or calling the police; extremely rarely does it mean shooting them and, when it does, it usually and rightly means prison time for the shooter). A drone, not so much. Because you can't initiate civil discourse with a drone and escalate as necessary, it becomes acceptable to employ whatever measure is necessary to remove the unauthorized recording device from our property. If it is flying too high or darting around too much for you to swat it out of the sky, your only recourse is to shoot it down. With the added benefit that you know it won't be back.

Comment Re: idiots (Score 1) 120

Doing *nothing* is more difficult than sending a specially crafted MMS message? I suppose I can see that with the younger generations, as doing nothing would require them to put their damn phones down. You're also missing the point that the entire catalog of already existing x86 Windows malware will be available on an x86 Windows phone. Anything capable of attacking a current version of Windows on an x86-based PC will be able to attack Windows on an x86-base phone. That's millions of pieces of malware right there.

And let's not ignore the fact that the sheer number of Android devices that are and will remain vulnerable to this exploit falls squarely on the shoulders of the device manufacturers who don't release updates and the carriers who don't distribute them once released. This is not an issue on Nexus devices, nor is it an issue on "Google Edition" devices, for both classes of which Google directly releases updates. My Nexus 6 was patched against this weeks ago; the lack of updates is not an Android problem, it is a manufacturer and carrier problem, easily worked around by selecting a device for which Google does directly supply updates, and getting the better, faster, and cleaner "vanilla" Android experience as an added benefit.

Comment Re:The argument is "leaky" at best too (Score 1) 195

Not materially different from your immune system killing off the weaker individuals. A few stronger individuals may survive, and then what has your immune system done? Selected for a stronger pathogen.

I remember a paper from a few years ago which concluded that this was basically how we wound up with deadly diseases in the first place -- being the ones that throughout history have managed to be stronger than the host's immune system.

Vaccine simply cuts out the stage where lots and lots of hosts get sick or die.

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