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Comment Re: In other words (Score 2) 305

I imagine that even many atheists may be upset if, for example, the grave of a family member were dug up because someone wanted to build a power plant or casino or parking lot. Same deal. It's not ignorance - it's an important place to them and they don't want something built there.

Not as many as you might think. Old organic material is just that.

Comment Re:The Declaration of Causes of Seceding States (Score 2) 305

Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation was in fact a punitive action relative to the secessionists only, and only applied to the ten states then currently in rebellion. It is widely regarded as the proverbial "straw that broke the camels back", and was issued under the president's war powers, and thus necessarily excluded those areas not in rebellion.

You gotta explain how the ""straw that broke the camel's back"" occurred in the third year of the war.

Comment Re: In other words (Score 1) 305

They are fighting for their land, sovereignty, and culture. It's all being stripped from them day in and day out. Not 500 years ago, still today.

Now they know how Southerners feel.

Oh Noes! Wonder how your black slaves felt?

Seems a lot of "southerners" have an entitlement issue. They feel entitled to own other humans, and entitled to force their religion on others. And when they can't remove other people's rights, they claim it is removing one of their rights.

Cry me a river.

Comment Time for (Score 2) 18

My plug for the Atlantis exhibit at KSC.

If you are at all engineering minded, you will be completely blown away by it. I was rendered completely speechless for 30 seconds, and I saw people with tears in their eyes - I knew who the engineers were in the group. Even then, it's a glorius exhibit for all.

Do not miss this, just don't

Comment Re:WAT? (Score 1) 219

No pink model? And that blue enter key is a mark of the oppressive patriarchy.

Insensitive clods.

Actually, in the heyday of IBM Thinkpads, pink was the colour of choice for young boys. Chaste young ladies would often prefer light blue to signify a lack of earthly desires, until the steam-powered vibrator came and ruined it all.

Been a long long day. But darn it - I enjoyed that comment! Well done.

Comment Re:GMOs have so many different problems (Score 1) 188

That is a misconception. They do not have to withstand 'big doses' of the herbicide; do you honestly think that farmers are spending extra money on seed so they can spend extra money on herbicide?

They are no tilling, and spraying herbicide to kill the weeds among the roundup ready corn, which is generally tolerant.

But aside from jumping on my use of the "big doses" perhaps you can proofread this page and let me know what is incorrect.


But to your question of what they can do......

One of the interesting methods of killing weeds among crops is being developed by the USDA, and it sounds crazy, but works.

Oragnic farmers have a real problem with weed control, as you might imagine.

So some USDA researchers have found a weird but very effective way to "weed" without any chemicals.

They blast the bastards with fertilizers or soil conditioners.


Depending on the grit used in the blaster, it also acts as fertilizer, Or if you live in an acidic soil area, you can use a soil conditioner like limestone. It's an interesting read, and while at this time expensive- ~100 dollars an acre, there are a lot of offsets when a fertilizer or soil conditioner which will be applied anyhow. Just with more vigor. They are working on automating the process as we write. Not a perfect solution, but then again, neither is eating herbicide.

Not many plants can develop resistance to being sandblasted. I couldn't say this is the wave of the future, but it was sort of a headpalm moment for a lot of people, myself included.

Comment Re:I hate and despise - but they should still be s (Score 1) 818

The flag we're talking about was created to boost morale of the soldiers, and was only for use in battle.

But the soldiers were fighting to preserve a system of hatred, slavery, bigotry, and treason. Many of my ancestors among them. Thankfully, they lost. I don't honor the cause of my ancestors, and I am flabbergasted that anybody would.

It is nothing short of amazing the backpedaling they will do to try to deny their outlook.

Stealth. These are the people who vote for candiidates that make some outlandish racist comment, then retract it. But they know who has their back.

Comment Re:I hate and despise - but they should still be s (Score 1) 818

It doesn't mean slavery or hatred or bigotry or treason.

And yet, the people I know who fly it invariably hate those damn N....'s, they want ot secede from the union, and if you catch them in an unguarded moment, or commiserate with them, will have all the racist litmus tests passed.

Spare me that bullshit. People fly the second place finisher flag in the great war of northern agression for the same reason skinheads fly Nazi flags - it is what they believe in.

Comment Re:Prime Scalia - "Words no longer having meaning" (Score 1) 591

If you aren't from here, haven't grown up here, live here, then you are talking out of your ass.

The oppression and racism thing ended down here back in the 60's. You just don't see that here anymore and no..the Stars and Bars for my lifetime has not been use or seen as something for oppression. It was a backdrop for a Lynyrd Skynyrd concert, nothing more than that level of southern pride thing.

You speak as an outsider that knows nothing of life down here in the SE USA.

Comment Re:But Google Code? (Score 1) 44

any project or developer that uses it is going to need that backup repository at github anyway

You should have backups of all your projects to media that you control in any case. Google has a track record of winding down stuff it doesn't want to continue (Reader, anyone?), but if you're betting on any source-code repo to (1) not go tits-up (as Google Code might) and (2) not jump the shark (as SourceForge has), you're putting your code at risk. Git, in particular, makes it dead simple to clone a repo and all its history in a relatively compact form, so spare a few GB on a server you control for a mirror of everything you put on GitHub (or whatever).

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