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Comment Re:big news! (Score 1) 299

In 2014, right here in sunny Az, three Koch-funded candidates were elected to our five person Corporation Commission

I'm in AZ also and are familiar with the race you're talking about. I knew they were utility-company supported, didn't see anything Koch related. Do you have a news report or campaign financing source or something I can look it showing major Koch money involvement somewhere?

Comment Re:But aren't corporations people now? (Score 1) 79

want to string up Hillary for accepting donations from individuals who run corporations that we don't like

Well, you're being quite harsh on Her Majesty here.
I mean, she was workin' real hard, tryin' to do her job, when all these 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 and 9s just kinda flew around some accounts and stuff. It was all so complex. Who can understand it? Oh, yes: that Vast Right Wing Conspiracy that has been targeting Her Majesty the last 2+ decades.
Dirty, filthy, evil conservatives, picking on Her Majesty!
It's enough to make a loyal subject clutch the pearls and collapse on the fainting couch!

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