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Comment Re:Doesn't make any difference (Score 1) 205

My bet is that the EU will get special proprietary Apple wireless charging-only iPhones once the mandate is in place, because the mandate only applies to devices that can be charged via wired chargers.

I wouldn't take that bet, because I think there's a good chance you're right. But I think there's a good chance you're wrong, too, due to the proliferation and popularity of portable chargers.

Comment Re:Affordability and Age. (Score 2) 104

But are they dumb enough to not get their eyes checked and buy corrective lenses?

Old(-ish) guy here checking in.

Even with corrective lenses, the majority of my (similarly aged) friends and I can barely tell the difference between 1080p and 4k.

For us, 4k alone (never mind 8k) isn't worth the higher price and substantial performance hit.

Given the choice, we'll take higher frame rates instead.

Comment Re:OS in SaaS (Score 1) 41

I've run into lots of little bugs.

Sometimes, clicking the icon of an (already running) application in the dock does not restore the window. To work around this, I restore and minimize a different window, which somehow resets something in the dock, getting it working again.

Sometimes, opening the calendar widget in the bottom right-hand corner doesn't bring up the entire calendar.

A lot of things, such as the search button, often take a long time to display (anywhere from 3-10 seconds), causing me to click again.

My keyboard repeat rate keeps getting reset.

Somehow, Windows got stuck in some kind of infinite notification loop, and I kept getting Office 365 advertisements in my notifications nonstop. I had to turn off notifications.

This is just a small sample... I've run into at least another one or two dozen bugs.

None are show-stoppers, and I still use Windows 11 on my work and personal computers, but Windows 11 seems pretty buggy. And an incredible memory hog. 8 GiB RAM no longer really seems adequate, ugh.

Comment Re:Haven't they already failed? (Score 1) 45

And it's a shame in some ways, but that's what Google, Apple, and Amazon have brought forth by making tablets limited to phone operating systems.

I think you hit the nail on the head. I tried to use an iPad + Bluetooth keyboard as a laptop replacement for about a year and a half.

It was a miserable experience. iPadOS is really aggressive about killing "background" apps, and when you return to them, they often (usually) don't resume where you left off.

Sometimes, I'd let the iPad go to sleep for a few minutes, and wake it up, and... it had killed the one and only app I had been running, and -- as usual -- when I started the app again, it... didn't resume where it left off.

Super annoying and unproductive experience. Would not recommend.

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