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Journal Journal: Been a while 12

So I was reading xkcd and it made me think about /. so I wandered back over here and starting poking around. Looks like 8 or so friends still post journals. Not like it was years back when I was checking for new stories or JEs all day almost every day. I find it funny that as the "social web" has grown into a mainstream.-even-my-parents-are-on-the-web,-jocks-too,-and-now-celebrities-hire-companies-to-manage-it thing, I've found less and le

Comment To paraphrase (Score 1) 4

This is the UI of a nerd. Not as clumsy or random as facebook; an elegant UI for a more civilized age.

Though maybe this is more accurate:

Slashdot dot org: You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious.

Comment Why all the negativity in the article? (Score 5, Insightful) 160

So some people didn't like the movie? I did, and I know many people who do to. I personally am interested in a third movie for the movie's sake. If you didn't like the second one, don't pay to see the third. You don't have to see movies you don't like. Riddick rocks and anyone that doesn't think so can just ignore it.

Comment Just got caught up (Score 1) 4

There's a comment on your first journal about this event that seems somewhat unnecessary. I'm very glad to hear that you're taking care of yourself, getting help, and not letting yourself be blamed. I hope you both get through this, and that she will be willing to get the help she needs.

Journal Journal: Solar adjectives 10

The adjective form of Jupiter is Jovian. Does Saturn have an adjective form?

Is it safe to use the pattern that arises from the planets I know for the ones I don't? That would be:
  • Mercury - Mercurial
  • Venus - Venusian
  • Terra - Terran
  • Mars - Martian
  • Jupiter - Jovian
  • Saturn - Saturnian?
  • Uranus - Uranian?
  • Neptune - Neptunian?

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