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Comment Re:Gettin All Up In Yo Biznis (Score 1) 419

And what does this have to do with the article? As far as I can tell, the US DoD has nothing to do with the development of Call of Duty.

You seem to be impaired in your ability to follow simple conversations, so I'll help you out: the connection is that Call of Duty makes war look glamorous and consequence-free. That is the connection he was trying to make, and I'm sure you could have figured it out.

Comment Re:Problem is (Score 2) 419

If they see themselves on the winning side, they'll want even more war

That statement seems intuitively true. If you investigate more deeply, I'm not sure it holds up.

Consider for example, world war 1. The British and French won, but had no more appetite for war at all. "Wanting war" seems to be determined primarily by other factors than 'winning' or 'losing.'

Comment Re:Old Code (Score 1) 246

If you like reading code, I suggest looking at the GLPK source code. It is a completely different style than anything I've seen before (and look for the unusual yet tasteful gotos!) Also, if you know any particularly interesting code, I'd love to see it!

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