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Comment Re:Okay, enough already (Score 3, Funny) 484

I don't normally correct grammar or spelling issues, but I really have to here, because this is hilarious.

Too bad no one in the EU or USA had the kahunas...

Kahuna is a Hawaiian word that translates something like "wizard" or "expert". I think what you want is the Spanish word for testes: cojones. But the idea of the US and EU needing wizards to deal with MS is pretty awesome, too.

Comment Re:Similar to Windows hate? (Score 1) 503

Actually, it appears that there are at least three common ways of capitalizing degrees, one of which is the method that the GP was using. i.e. "graduate degree in education", "Graduate Degree in education", and "Graduate Degree in Education" are all acceptable, depending on the style guide in use(Google).

Also, while we're both being this pedantic, he does name the authority in his argument: himself. Establishing himself as a scholar in a related field is a way of asserting authority. Whether or not you believe his premises does not detract from the argument's strength; it's a "strong" argument. If he studied typography at the graduate level, we have good reason to believe that he knows what he's talking about within the field of typography. His argument's weakness is that we have no way of knowing whether or not the premises are true, making its cogency unknown.

Comment Re:It always amazed me (Score 1) 273

The machine plays Flash video just fine. It even compiles Firefox just fine. Seriously, what sort of crazy machines are they running that makes them think this is halfway acceptable?

Um... a modern one? Works fine on all my machines. And last I checked, Flash doesn't do Chroma-Key replacement. Or video data manipulation of any kind.

Comment Re:Fractals... (Score 1) 94

There were a few classes where I kept myself alert by doodling. 'course, all that engineer's blood made me bust out the colored markers and make basic n/2 fractals on graph paper.

Been there, done that. I also frequently end up drawing various impossible shapes, like Penrose triangles or whatnot.

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I'd rather just believe that it's done by little elves running around.
