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Comment Re:MicroSD card? (Score 4, Interesting) 325

I've got a 128GB micro SD card (SanDisk) that I got for $100. It works fine in my phone (galaxy S4 google play edition) which only had a 16GB version available when I got it. Even if they'd had a 64GB version, I'd have had no way to expand the storage at all.

Now, it only works with media and documents, not with applications, and the /data partition Android uses for app data storage is small by default, but by repartitioning the internal SD card I can let it take up almost the entire 16GB and use the external SD for the extra storage. Much better than having no option.

Comment Re:Password protect your phone (Score 3, Informative) 105

For rooted phones, the Cryptfs Password app (Or any terminal emulator app) can be used to change the device encryption password without changing the unlock password. The encryption password is only needed on bootup, so be sure you have a way to quickly shut the phone down (lockscreen widget, customized power button long-press, etc).

Comment Re:"Random" (Score 2) 78

Heisenberg's uncertainty principle is just an application of the Fourier uncertainty principle to the quantum position and momentum wavefunctions. Since those are a Fourier pair, the Fourier uncertainty principle applies. So it's not a matter of which interpretation you pick, it's about whether QM is correct. If the behavior of quanta is not wholly determined by their wavefunctions then QM is wrong, and Heisenberg's uncertainty principle might be violated, since the true functions for position and momentum may not be Fourier pairs. This is widely considered to be extremely unlikely. Also, if spacetime is quantized (there's a minimum possible distance and a minimum possible time, and all times/distances are integer multiples of these minima) then the wavefunctions wouldn't be continuous, so the uncertainty principles might not be applicable. Loop Quantum Gravity is one theory that posits this.

Comment Re:What's the process? (Score 3, Insightful) 187

In an extremely general sense:
Somewhere in the program the validation code will either pass or fail. This is done with a conditional branch instruction in the assembly. Crackers use a debugger to find where this branch is, then change it to an instruction that will always branch to the pass condition.

Of course there are countermeasures used, and sometimes crackers will be able to reverse-engineer the validation check to create a keygen, etc, but the general process is still to disassemble the executable and modify or inspect the validation check.

Comment Re:motion sickness (Score 1) 286

Yes, I was somewhat careless with my phrasing. Any disconnect between the inner ear's acceleration sense and that received from other senses can cause motion sickness. On aircraft, for most people (AFAIK), it's caused by feeling the acceleration with the ear and not seeing it with the eyes. For some, it gets reversed: they see too much movement out the window compared to what they feel, and so do better with aisle seats.

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