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Comment Re:Dude, this is so easy (Score 1) 32

A huge part of the reason that America has turned leftwards, is because the Republican party has chosen to prioritize fiscal conservationism over social conservationism. Family no longer comes first for most of the Republican leadership, as shown in their marital woes.

The Democrats were always going to go Left, at least the Republicans *could* have given us another choice.

Comment Re:Tell me... (Score 4, Interesting) 172

Additionally importantly, some books are simply worth more than others, even in low-volume batches, especially if the books are necessities to those buying them. That's part why textbooks are so expensive, and part why Patricia Cornwell is sold in grocery stores and is perpetually 20% off the cover price. If mass-market paperbacks and even new hardcover books were too much more expensive they probably just wouldn't sell.

I assume that a lot of e-books are the same way, and honestly, they're not priced well, and too many middle-men get in the way. e-books should be the author selling right to me. Call it the exact opposite of the music distribution model; author owns the work and potentially contracts-out editing and marketing, and retains all profit after costs are paid or shares profits as a percentage with editors and marketing depending on the arrangement that they come to.

That Amazon is involved as a middleman is itself a problem. There's no need for the author to sell to Amazon for them to then sell to me when there's no physical medium for e-books, and for traditional publishing, Amazon should just be another traditional retailer, not something special.

Comment Re:Seriously? (Score 1) 152

When you've had a really, really good washing machine that handles a diverse set of fabrics with equal capability and relatively quietly washes them faster than the cycle time of the clothes dryer, you tend to not want to part with that machine.

Toploaders are the way to go. Frontloaders can suck it.

Comment Re:Seriously? (Score 1) 152

Homicide as a legal term and homicide as a language term are not the same thing actually. Any event where a human kills a human is homicide. That doesn't necessarily mean that a crime was committed through the act of killing though.

Note that I'm specifically not addressing the topic of abortion at all, for the sake of my post, I'm referring the to the killing of a human that exists outside the womb.

Comment Re:Ironically (Score 1) 141

Is the fingerprint data going to the federal government or any other government entity outside of the school district food and nutrition department, or is the fingerprint data simply being used as a form of authentication, and then the data associated with the student's meal logged with the student's student information system tracking number?

In my experience with student information systems like SASI and Edupoint, there's a lot of information that the software tracks for the school district's purposes that isn't part of the export to the state reporting agency or to Title I or anything like that, and those systems usually don't even have DB columns for things like thumbprints. I expect that the IT department does an SIS export to the F&N department of enrollees, then the F&N department inputs thumbprints after importing the records list, so that when the kid puts their thumb on the scanner it looks up the record and confirms validity and notes the meal, then later exports the student number and meal, to either be sent to the SIS or to the state or federal agency. I very much doubt they're sending thumbprints between systems, the exports would take too damn long.

Comment Re:bloatware (Score 2) 164

Most languages can be written with English characters (ie. plain latin).

Name a language written with Latin characters (other than English) that does not use any special characters or diacritical marks whatsoever.

(Even English requires extensions to the Latin character set. which originally had no "U", "J", or "W". )

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