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Comment Re: I remember this (Score 1) 117

Cardiff Electric(*) just kidding...

I remember that one, the "Cardiff Giant", though the "Giant Pro" was only "not bad". What was it that Joe MacMillan said, "Computers aren't the thing. They're the thing that gets us to the thing."

Another "Halt and Catch Fire" fan, I see.

Comment Re:Nintendo saving 4K for the next console (Score 1) 28

I was hoping that the new model would push down prices on the old ones. They are still quite expensive used and I want to play Mario Marker 2.

Expensive? The full-on switch is "only" $299. For that you get a dockable handheld with the best screen a Nintendo device has had that still isn't as nice as the OLED Vita screen, two non-ergonomic and failure prone joy-cons, only 32GB of built in storage, a tiny little flip out stand that's worthless, and a dock without an Ethernet port, and meh selection of NES/SNES games if you pay for NSO. Still no Earthbound or Chrono Trigger.

I wish the Lite had been TV only too, I'll never use it hand-held and would love a version that doesn't have a screen.

So something like this?


Comment Re: Adpocalypse (Score 1) 140

If I were to offer a better summary, I'd say that it was a case of the macro-level market being overly reliant on the sales figures of a single runaway success (the 2600), and as the 2600 aged, the games just weren't impressive enough to go buy. None of the next-wave consoles were really enticing - the 5200 had the infamously awful controllers, the Intellivision had bad controllers and wasn't really that much better than the 2600, and Colecovision was expensive and (ironically) had a small software library.

That's pretty insightful. I've always believed that the Colecovision might have survived if people hadn't panicked and kept the games coming for another year.

it could actually be argued that the US console market never died at all, you just had Commodore reigning supreme after Atari.

To a certain extent, yes. Though the cost of a 1541 made the C64 less affordable than a 2600. In the US at least, most of the good games were disk only.

but there was still plenty of third-party shitware squeezing past the Seal of Check-Clearing Quality - in 1987 alone, alongside classics like Mike Tyson's Punch-Out and Metroid you also had uninspired ports of old computer games like Raid on Bungeling Bay and Winter Games alongside forgettable trash like Tiger-Heli and Jaws.

Ha! Though some ports later on were decent, try the NES port of Might & Magic.

Comment Re:Great News (Score 1) 236

While I'm primarily a console (PS5/Switch/PS3) gamer, Steam's Proton compatibility changed the whole gaming on Linux situation for the better. Instead of having to do individual tweaks and workarounds to get things working in Wine, you just use Proton and it generally just works. You can check the proton compatibility database for individual games:


Comment Re:huge profits... (Score 1) 82

I was thinking about that myself. I assume some of the ones with more money coming in will start doing plastic surgery...if they haven't started already. But makeup and flattering lighting can only do so much. Sooner or later one will look more like a soccer mom than a cute game-playing UwU e-girl.

Will their fans stay with them when they pause the game and get up when their children call for them? Or will they start watching the next 19 year old with a Razer Quartz headset, D.va chair and UwU makeup.

Comment Re:Scarcity (Score 1) 60

The only thing I've played on it are PS4 games that I could have just as easily played on my old system.

It does apply the Pro boosts to PS4 games and there are some PS4 games with PS5 upgrades. For example, I'm of the opinion that if you're going to play No Man's Sky, do it on the PS5, not the PS4. Genshin Impact as well. It is also a LOT quieter than my launch day PS4. It has totally replaced my PS4, I just copied my PS4 games to an external drive and plugged that into the PS5.

Have fun with Lady Dimitrescu and her daughters.

Comment Dig against PlayStation is Ironic (Score 1) 108

Slashdot reader I75BJC's comment:

If you can't type with the big adults, stay on your PlayStation.

The only PlayStation that either isn't BSD based, or running a full BSD or at one time capable of running an official Linux release is the first one.

I've used command lines AND GUI's on the PS2 and PS3. Some of my config files originate from my Linux on PS2 days. I can type with the big adults, but play my games on the PlayStation.

Comment Re:Condone one witch-burning... (Score 2) 640

the virtue-signalers

I hate that term, because it isn't virtue signaling when one truly believes in the virtue.

I think that certain...techies on the autistic specturem who might not feel that virtue think that others are "faking virtue" when they're not and thus bring up the "virtue signaling" accusation.

Stallman's a guy who spent his young adulthood in a code-dungeon with other people just like him. And most of us know he's on the autistic spectrum. He's not the guy you want doing PR, he's the guy you keep behind the scenes and away from the people with the money you need. He's got away with being the PR person because OTHER autistic tech people have gone easy on him for obvious reasons. He's a man of his time...and well it is long past time he should retire from leading the FSF.

The FSF give him a nice stipend as chairman emeritus, and find someone more suited to the realities of modern computer use than somebody from the MIT AI lab priesthood who doesn't even use a computer in the modern way to understand the needs of modern computer users.

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