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User Journal

Journal Journal: Recalls the jokers around here 6

Mufson and Eilperin, at least, give no reason we should believe a word they say. They rely on their status as staff writers or reporters for the Washington Post and the aptitude with which they can deploy the lingo of journalists fulfilling their traditional function consistent with professional norms.

Read the whole thing for a tale of two sad little hacks at the WaPoo, doing their lame best at attacking the Koch brothers, and their bitch-slapping at the hands of among the better bloggers online today.

User Journal

Journal Journal: So the employers formed a union? 10

I've always maintained that private sector unions are a matter of freedom of assembly, and I think a public sector union is tantamount to a mutiny.
The only problem I see here is if the affected employees were somehow unable to form their own company. At the point that the employees are serfs, then there is cause for complaint. Short of that, "consenting adults" and all.
User Journal

Journal Journal: GOP still not getting it 3

After all, the Republicans are trying to copy an operation that the Democrats have been building, perfecting and training on for 10 years, ever since the party was outflanked by the GOP in the 2004 presidential election. Even if the RNC develops advanced digital tools in time for this year's campaign, the committee has to teach a new crop of volunteers to use them, not to mention convince longtime strategists to embrace them.

Dems lost in '04 due to running the only guy lame enough to make HRC's SecState tenure seem marginally competent.
All of the shiny technology in the world isn't going to put a sheen on Progressive turd policies. If the GOP wants political power, it really needs to be about both articulating AND DELIVERING actual reform.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Cthulhu's An Equal Opportunity Devourer 10

4 Reasons Why Obamacare Exchange Premiums May 'Double In Some Parts Of The Country' In 2015

Those with forked tongues might try to claim that ObamaCare is some kind of bailout for the insurance industry. Heck, insurance company weenies, themselves, may have believed it. But, like everything about Obama, it's just all a con. That is, a confidence trick, not anything a reasonable person would consider conservative. It's Obama's cock-up, and everyone's arse.
Now, after botching private insurance companies out of existence, we can expect we'll be told that we have some social imperative for "borrowing it forward" and implementing a Single Prey-er system.
Here is wisdom: people do not scale. If bogus health care programs cannot be made to work at the state level, then they surely shan't work nationally. And just because we've enjoyed being the world reserve currency these decades, and have been able to "borrow it forward" to make Socialism appear to work, isn't any sort of guarantee, if the territorial integrity of the Ukraine is any indicator.
User Journal

Journal Journal: On travel 6

I'm on the road this week, limiting availability. Also, I'd like to forgive those who seem to think that accusing people of lying somehow improves communication. I've engaged in my share of trolling, hyperbole, and general obnoxiousness, but here this: life is too short for deceit.
The intent here is not to sound whiny or hypocritical about anything. There are no debts in any direction. We were always consenting adults. However, life is also too short for dealing with false accusers. Your personality is your punishment.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Jonah Goldberg QOTD 49

Consider the fact that Obamacare is now simply untethered from law or policy. This week the administration announced that you can get a hardship waiver from Obamacare if your hardship is . . .wait for it . . . Obamacare. This is like getting out of doing push-ups during basic training if you can prove that doing push-ups would be difficult for you, defeating the point of doing push-ups in the first place. The White House is quite simply making it all up as they go along. You can't really point to a thing that is Obamacare because doing so would be like pointing at the blob in a lava lamp and saying "that looks like Michael Caine eating a badger." Maybe it looks like that right now. Give it a second. When you criticize Obamacare the response from its defenders gets meta really quickly.

I'm sure that damn_registrars understands all of this substitution of mood for law is a necessary step so that one day soon BHO can call a press conference and announce: "I have a Single Prayer dream" in his best MLK voice.
We'll get there, d_r. Let us know if you need a diaper re-supply.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Underscoring fustakrakich's point 2

So the Tea Partiers are sold out. This will be a hard lesson. Welcome to the natural political cycle. My real point is not that there is anybody virtuous enough to hold office (there is not) but that we need to liquidate incumbents as often as possible, and then cram a term limit amendment up their backsides.
Hell is stocked with professional politicians.
User Journal

Journal Journal: State-managed racism encounters tough sledding with unfavored minorities 9

A legislative push to permit California's public universities to once again consider race and ethnicity in admissions appears to be on life support after an intense backlash from Asian-American parents who fear it will make it harder for their children to get into good schools.

CA is just gonna have to go with damn_registrars and bring in MOAR REGULATION.
Remember kids: regulation is the new sex.

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