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Journal smittyoneeach's Journal: State-managed racism encounters tough sledding with unfavored minorities 9

A legislative push to permit California's public universities to once again consider race and ethnicity in admissions appears to be on life support after an intense backlash from Asian-American parents who fear it will make it harder for their children to get into good schools.

CA is just gonna have to go with damn_registrars and bring in MOAR REGULATION.
Remember kids: regulation is the new sex.

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State-managed racism encounters tough sledding with unfavored minorities

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  • As you said:

    A legislative push to permit California's public universities

    If it is the public universities that want to do this, why do you care? Clearly the for-profit schools, which were born in the infinite beauty and justice of the free market, are better in every conceivable way, right? Why don't you just go ahead and let the public universities that you so despise go ahead and regulate themselves into oblivion?

    If the private and for-profit schools are so much better, then the top students should only be worrying about them, right?

    • You're saying you're strangely comfortable with racism? Working hard, trying to muster some surprise at that. . .
      • It boggles the mind how you pulled that conclusion from that statement. You win the internet today with that giant leap.
        • You haven't offered an alternative hypothesis yet, Your Moral Superiority.
          • You haven't offered an alternative hypothesis yet, Your Moral Superiority.

            Alternative to what? You made shit up out of thin air. I could offer reality instead but you would reject it. Being as your random-assed nonsensical assertion has no connection to reality or to anything I have ever written on slashdot, I don't see what purpose there would be to attempting to offer an "alternative hypothesis" since there is no way to tell what your alleged "hypothesis" was based on.

            • I could offer reality instead but you would reject it.

              Go for it, Your Moral Superiority.

              • I could offer reality instead but you would reject it.

                Go for it

                There is no reason to expect that you would acknowledge reality, particularly given how much energy you have expended even in the past 48 hours on rejecting it outright.

                It is also noted that while you made numerous failed attempts to get me to call you a racist, you jumped at the first excuse you could imagine to throw that label at me.

                • jumped at the first excuse you could imagine to throw that label at me

                  I have? Can you help me pinpoint precisely where, so I can offer a apology in detail?

                  • jumped at the first excuse you could imagine to throw that label at me

                    I have? Can you help me pinpoint precisely where, so I can offer a apology in detail?

                    You did that in your first reply to my comment here []. Go ahead, tell us how that is somehow not you accusing me of racism. While you're at it go ahead and tell us about the imaginary situation where it occurred the other way. You have tried to bring about the latter so many times that I fully expect in your imagination (which I will will give you is quite active!) it has happened a great many times over.

"All the people are so happy now, their heads are caving in. I'm glad they are a snowman with protective rubber skin" -- They Might Be Giants
