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Comment Re:for all this talk... where is it? (Score 0) 129

10 years ago they had been saying 10 years already.

I question the new information of this research. if they had managed to test it at a bigger scale, it might have some value - like a lot of value, on microscopic scale the strength and structure has been known for a long time now?

as for flexible displays have existed for a long while now. nobody has come up with any uses for them though, mostly because while they're flexible they are not like cloth at all. (furthermore, how do flexible oled displays depend on or be related to graphene?)

Comment Re:Too late (Score 1) 235

where does Finland end up in that conspiracy theory though? I mean, fuck, there's plenty of places where nuclear is used just because it's rather cheap and stable. furthermore, it would be fucking easy to argue that Solar panels were funded for the first 40 years ONLY FOR MILITARY APPLICATIONS including military space applications, so there.

and where does Norway end up on the renewables with all their hydro?

anyways, the actual article makes the mistake too of combining the green and not the fossils into one, yet using the word "and". (it's engadget though so no wonder, they should just have stayed as a gadget news site not a fucking hipster news site).

I'm interested in the hydro value. hydro is easy and green but drawbacks are that almost every suitable location in western world tends to be exploited already. also it suffers from the attacks from eco folk. that number as separate would be interesting because it is significant, bio gas on the other hand not so much.

Comment Re:Unexpected technical issues (Score 1) 171

well it was "unexpected" to the management that the patching team didn't do a miracle in 48 hours prior to launch. if they were even working.

they knew it was buggy, what they technically might have not know was if the thing was going to get patched to good level before stores handing the copies out.

(that they knew was evidenced by the launch day review embargo for people with advance copies, which doesn't happen with all games, rather it seems to happen only on games that are buggy)

Comment Re:Duh (Score 1) 115

...around here(Asia) finding an open AP is simple as finding apple pie. the wifis are either open or the password is something simple that never changes(phone number of the place usually), there's no way of telling if the person is inside the restaurant either or 50 meters down the street - only the expensive establishments have one time use code systems and such.

also, in most western countries buying a data capable simcard anonymously is easy as pie as well and buying a phone to use it with anonymously is easy as well(after you do that, you just keep both of those separate from your usual sim and phone). additionally, all the 3g connections are natted to hell and back so that's an extra hurdle, needing nasty parsing of the logs since just the ip doesn't tell anything.

besides though, mostly the feds care about who it was(the dealer) getting paid to than who paid(the client).

I don't get their point about TOR though, since they say that it could be easily blocked. blocked how? within your network? who cares about that though? and if you can't use TOR how are you getting hooked up with your dealer in the first place?

browser fingerprinting isn't that good though. it's a crap way, suitable for selling what's almost(mostly) fake user tracking data.

Comment Re:Various hacking tools? (Score 2) 224

it's stupid though.

if they want it to be even, make them play on the tournament holders computers and raffle them at start of the game.

seriously, I thought the serious tournaments were played in this fashion but I suppose not. otherwise it's like letting javelin throwers bring their own stuff and not have people go through them(and yes sports like ski jumping have quite scientific ways to measure things like suit lift, because all that has been regulated).

Comment Re:Next step - Semiconductors (Score 1) 69

we're not too close to 'printing' electronics on earth either. printing a chip takes a fab now.

replacement brackets and such though, sure, today. you can also print circuit boards today(with special inks that form into metal layer when mixed.. google cartesian co). but circuit boards are quite far from printing semiconductor electronics as such. solar panels too. power supply components are mostly coiled coppers and chips. making good enough caps on iss in short order.. maybe not.

i would expect them to be doing titanium parts on iss before semiconductors. though the common currently in use technology for doing that kind of relies on having gravity.

Comment Re:Hmmm ... (Score 1) 452

the hosts file method of filtering though actually works and has a practical application.

and this is more like a gui on top of linux than an operating system of it's own though? the downloads page doesn't link to sources? why was it made as it's own "operating system" rather than simply an application? because god said so?

Comment Re:...or maybe (Score 1) 53

exactly. how cheap is it anyways? it needs to be under 80 bucks to be cheap enough to be a cheap android handset. nokia x is 80 bucks. 20 bucks more is not cheap(nokia x xl was 100 bucks on launch, like 8 months ago). from what I could find android one launch price was 100 bucks, though it has quad core. but the fuck the target audience cares about that? nothing. two things matter: how nice it feels in the hand and how good the screen looks - ram and other numbers not so much. the third thing that matters is brand and that matters a whole lot.

and noname chinese is around in the same range - and be good, since some of the cheapos in the same price range really don't feel like cheapos.

nokia x line is going to die though, thanks to microsoft, not because the sales are bad(because the sales for it are good, too good in fact). but the other nokia can start making them again in few years... I got one and it does everything a smartphone needs to do.. the camera isn't very good by nokia standards(my previous one was a 808) but that's about it, with play apps installed it's like any other android except cheapo cheap and feels solidly built - and it comes with all the apps asians expect pre installed, that includes line etc.

and yes I got sort of a habit of buying dying phone os brands knowingly.

Comment Re:Helium shortage (Score 2) 116

you would think helium to be a tad more expensive then if it is in fact as you in shortage right now.

though, what do they fill these with? surely just not air, the blurb is all kinds of stupid. I think the engineering problem with filling it is more akin to cutting the feed at the right point more than anything to not rupture the vessel that is being filled. just filling a thing with air in 5 minutes on it's own isn't that impressive, since you can fill emergency exit slides etc far, far faster than that.

more than that, it's more of a problem of moving the thing to the different deployment points than anything else- unless they aim to launch the balloons at the same place. always thought that the fucking filling of the balloons to be the easiest part and the networking behind it, powering the node while it is in the air etc to be the hard part- that, and well, the general longevity of such a system, like, will this deploy before mobile networks to such far reaches? you can make pretty big cells with 450 and 900mhz.

Comment Re:We'll build our own station (Score 2) 236

well they got russian hookers already everywhere else than on the space station so maybe that's it.

it's a joke though. they can't afford it, it gives them no meaningful bonus of any kind - science or military wise. ruble is already in the gutter and they would rather use the money and resources for jets and missiles. but talk is cheap.

or maybe they'll just photoshop it. the pro russia regime russian media has started being so sloppy lately that you have to even start wondering if being so sloppy in the pro putin regime news is some kind of deliberate quiet resistance("so you want me to create a fake news story about some american jet allegedly to be blamed for downing the passenger jet? fine, but I'll do a shitty job at it")

Comment Re:Owning stock (Score 1) 203

liquidating the company by selling off it's assets and giving the money to stock holders is always an option so kind of yes.

I think they're not really much looking beyond of that and if they're investing in oil specifically through some investment mechanism or another, there's really no vote except that they believe oil to be more expensive later on(or cheaper, depending on what they were betting on, red or black).

and uh exxon or whatever only needs 1 owner for it to be worth billions in money to anyone doing any sensible maths about the value. however, if they want to invest in biofuels but not in a _fuel_company then they're kind of fucked.

the courts shouldn't be deciding this one though. shame on the students for trying. if they want to affect where the money goes then they need to get someone on the board which decides where the investments go.

and if they want to dump the money on solar roadways or some shit like that, ban them from the school campus for trying to kill the charitable fund(and fail them for maths and engineering).

Comment Re:Hmmm ... (Score 1) 167

going for the cyclist market isn't bizarre at all if you know that the dehumidifier water makers already have been in car size form for years(as seen on pimp my ride many, many years ago).

if he had just made a box to sit in the yard, then nothing new there. but put the box in a drinking bottle and boom new invention(nevermind if you need to be next to a waterfall for it to make enough for you to drink).

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