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Comment Re: Holy Mountain (Score 1) 234

If it's just the same story but with moving pictures, why even bother making a movie in the first place.

So that I can share cool ideas with people who won't read the book, or so that great stories with mediocre writing can be retold competently in a way that is more palatable to the masses.

Comment Re:Road trips. (Score 1) 688

It doesn't actually matter. What you have to ask is not whether people live in cities, but how far they live from work. I've known people to commute for two hours in California, and I'm not even talking about heavy traffic situations. A lot of people are now living up here in Lake and Mendocino counties and working way the hell down in SF and the like, that's a two hour drive on a good day.

Comment Re:Range and recharging time (Score 1) 688

Some of the weight difference definitely gets eaten by the vehicle frame, so it's capable of the hauling and towing capacities that make it "super duty", but there's a whole lot of room there for more batteries than any sedan could reasonably carry.

Physically, there is room. Economically, there is not. Pickups are already brushing the top of what people are willing to pay for them.

I'm assuming Tesla has already thought of this, but just can't build yet another line simultaneously with all the others.

The only manufacturer who might reasonably pull this off any time soon is Ford, because they're the only ones with a lightweight pickup big enough to stuff batteries into and still do work. They would need to make a lightweight chassis that was designed to accommodate the battery packs, but they could do that with in-house expertise now. And nobody is going to buy a Tesla pickup. People are married to brands in trucks.

This conversation does take me back to when Ford was playing around with Capstone turbines in C-Max people movers and so on. Perhaps Ford should offer an Aluminum F150 EV with a turbine range extender option :)

Comment Re:EVs are a PITA (Score 1) 688

So, I am helping everybody (and the planet) out by burning three dinosaurs to every one you do not.

Oh no, you've got it twisted. I live in the sticks and I'm two meters tall and I can't afford a new car either. I have a 300SD and I'm working to bring up an A8 Quattro right now. You can buy a lot of fuel for twenty thousand dollars...

Comment Re: FP! (Score 1) 688

You have no clue what you're talking about. The Wolfram page calculates torque given force and distance from a rotational axis, not rpm. I guess you've never turned a wrench in your life: when you have a long wrench on a stuck bolt, and it isn't moving, do you really think you're not exerting any torque on it?

Comment Re:What about the first VR rape? (Score 1) 144

Let's not get carried away here. You can always remove the head gear or turn-off the device. Although I can see some complaining anyway.

And because you can always remove the head gear or turn-off the device, of course actual rape victim simulators will spring up, just like zombie attack simulators have. We know they will, because they alrady do, even in text adventure form. Players will claim it's just a game rendered harmless by the player being in control, and could even have therapeutic use, while naysayers will claim it's effective propaganda for rape culture precisely because it renders rape "harmless", and both will be entirely right.

So yes, people will complain, and those complaints can't be just summarily dismissed. There are issues at stake here which are extremely relevant to the dawning Information Age: are progandists blameless for the results of their propaganda just because their propaganda has artistic or entertainment value? To what extent are people responsible for their internalized cultural values, or for being unaware of them? At what point does making other's suffering your entertainment make you a villain?

Comment Re:Holy Mountain (Score 1) 234

Oh, and of course, "canon" also comes into play in religion, which also says a whole lot.

I think it says something about people, and their brains. The need for belief. I don't care enough to go out and picket, let alone to kill people over it, though.

Comment Re:Holy Mountain (Score 1) 234

No matter what you think of the book, I hope you don't believe that every movie version has to stick slavishly to "canon".

If a movie violates canon, it should use a different name. If the movie isn't good enough to be made without using a name it doesn't deserve, then it isn't good enough to watch.

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