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Comment Re:Not to be the different guy, but... (Score 1) 93

The problem is those stores tend to be quite small (at least, the ones in my area are), there's not much room for new stuff, unless they intend maybe on backing off of game and accessories a little. Conversely, the Hot Topic in my neck of the woods is at least twice the size of any of the Game Stops.

Comment Re:You're doing it wrong (Score 1) 93

Unfortunately that seems to be an increasingly common business practice nowadays. It saves on inventory taxes, and probably keeps insurance costs down too.
Remember the Gateway Country Stores? They were nothing more than showrooms, you couldn't walk in and then walk out with a computer, you had to have it ordered. OTOH... they're all gone now, so that sales model wasn't exactly a resounding success.

Comment Re:2015... the year we bash Russia.... (Score 1) 131

But if it was the US stealing tech from Russia, that'd be an outrage, right? Look, every country steals technology (or tries to) from others, and being tech, that fits the bill for newsworthy on a tech site. Not particularly exciting, no, but not "bashing" on Russia for no good reason either.

Comment Re:Bitter chocolate tastes bad? (Score 1) 260

Yes! I have never understood this modern obsession with hops. Myself, I prefer a dark malty, fruity ale with some body, something like a good Belgian Dubbel is awesome. Only that's probably even more fattening than chocolate. That said, I do prefer dark chocolate to milk chocolate, the former being a little less sweet.

Comment Re:And what about the infrastructure issues? (Score 1) 294

That in no way absolves the driver if he's actually at fault, though no one really knows just yet (though an examination of the signals systems has revealed no anomalies or malfunctions). He is paid to drive the train safely and responsibly, and being that he's unionized, he's likely paid fairly for that. Workers can do damage no system can bypass, consider the pilot that crashed the Germanwings airlines flight into the French Alps some months back.

Comment Re:Is it on the main download page? (Score 2) 216

Fair enough. But still, if someone installed a vulnerable version of openSSL I suppose they might start using it for other things than openSSH in their Cygwin environment, where HB might still rear it's head. An iffy, minor point, I concede.
In any case, I never really had an issue with puTTY if I had to SSH on Windows, but then that's not very often. It's not my preference. I usually use my linux box for SSH, it's just more comfortable. All of us in our workgroup have 1 win box and 1 linux box, and it baffles me to see that some of my coworkers seem to prefer puTTY. But then, some people have no problem working in a window the size of a postage stamp when they could easily drag the window larger too, so.. I dunno.

Comment Re:not the real question (Score 1) 200

Even more than just seems like.. if actually true that these systems are not physically separated, that's careless design. It's naive and well, arrogant, no matter how good the firewall supposedly is, especially in this post 9-11 era. It'd be just another example of how broken and meaningless security theater is.

Comment Re:Well you want offensive ? (Score 1) 613

It's certainly likely some are, but I don't automatically equate the two or think of it as a huge problem. Though this article did qualify with use of the word "some", the tone seems to indicate that the author feels people mostly only get ahead by stepping on others, instead of maybe hard work, investment, and dedication. Sounds like sour grapes. You could run an experiment where complete wealth redistribution was conducted, and everyone in the country (or world) had the exact same amount of money, assets, and access to education. Within less than 10 years, that faux state of "equality" would disintegrate again as a great number of people would squander their assets and opportunities while others invested and worked hard. Anything else is a fairy tale.

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