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Comment Re:The Russian space program was amazing (Score 2) 122

Actually the Apollo could have worked fine for that. A small hab module around the size of the LM and an improved Saturn 1 with a single F1A or F1B and SRBs could have reached the Hubble.
The Shuttle is frankly a really flexible system but it would have been good if we had kept the Saturns and Apollos for some missions. Face it the Saturn V was the original HLLV.

Comment Re:Why is the paper so important? (Score 1) 447

" and presumably the hospital staff have some bigoted beliefs, and without that 'bit of paper' they can enforce them),"
It is usually the family of person in the hospital that demands this and not the staff. I have visited many people in the hospital including a few that where terminal. No hospital has a family only visiting rule.
Do not blame or call the hospital bigoted for following the law. It is the family of the patient that has the power to exclude people.

Comment Re:Anonymity == being a schmuck for a good number. (Score 1) 728

I am not throwing in with them I am simply saying that they are just using it as a tool.
As you said it is also the composition fallacy. Which is reality just a form of bigotry. I am also tired of the magnification of the problem. There are millions of people that are "gamers" just as their are millions of people that post on forums. A tiny fraction of a percentage of those people are causing all the problems. The internet acts as a crazy magnifying glass to what is really a very small problem.

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