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Comment Re:Wait (Score 1) 153

This is Slashdot which is a US based website so the assumption should be US. I also doubt that many other nations are use the argument that solar replaces foreign oil the way the US does. Most other nations seem to use the more logical argument that it reduces greenhouse gases.
Unless your are in the middle east or a small island nation, odds are very high that only a tiny % of your electricity is from oil.

" "Stupid" is not the same as "uninformed", "misinformed" or "wrong"."
Making an incorrect statement over and over or defending such a statement without research is stupid in one of the common use of the word.

Comment Re:Really? Mutant registration? (Score 1) 493

No. I think Marvel was pandering if they added it in.

The issue with not saying things out of fear of being offensive when dealing with history is that it can and does lead to a distorted view of history.

For instance when learning about World War II and the Japanese internment almost no one is taught about the Nihau Incident. the shelling of Long Beach, or the attack on Fort Stevens in Oregon.
People need to understand why thinks like both the holocaust and the Japanese internment happened and why they actually seemed like good ideas to the people of the time.
Until you understand why you might have made that same mistake at that point in history you can not learn how to avoid mistakes like in the future.
Frankly the whole Japanese internment is a sore spot for me. The way is is taught is almost always along the lines of "look at what those terrible people did to the Japanese Americans for no reason!", which is just a way of saying look how great and enlightened I am because I would never do that.

Comment Re:Wait (Score 1) 153

And thank you for playing.
Less than 1% of the electricity generated in the US is from oil. Solar and Wind only generate electricity.
So well under 1% of all oil is used to generate electrical power. It was less the 2% of all oil in 2004 and has gone down to under 1% of the oil used in the US.

And you just flunked your skeptic and critical thinking test.
1. You assumed you knew the truth.
2. You failed to question the truth.
3. spouted off without doing any research.
4. You trusted without question those that told you that Solar and Wind would reduce our dependence on foreign oil when it is less than 1% of our oil use.
5. I am willing to bet that you are proud of your critical thinking skills and consider yourself an enlightened skeptic yet you showed none of those skills.

BTW Solar and Wind compete more with coal which is a good thing.

Comment Re:Really? Mutant registration? (Score 0) 493

Probably because they are often paired together. People seem to forget that thousands of German americans and Italian Americans were also interned but the bar was much lower for Japanese Americans on the west coast and Hawaii. Not every Japanese American was interned. The causes for that are not taught again because of fear that showing the causes some how makes it look like justification.
Odds are the mutant registration has far more to do with the Holocaust than the Japanese internment camps IMHO the adding in of the Japanese internment is just a bit of political correctness pandering.

Comment Re:Wait (Score 1) 153

And thankyou for playing
1. I never said we shouldn't reduce our use of oil.
2. Only 3% of all electricity in the US is generated by using oil. Please check for yourself. Just Google US electrical power by source.
3. Solar and wind are used to make electricity. Which is as shown above not really generated with oil.
4. You assume that I am anti solar and or wind. I am not but they do not replace oil.
5. You might try to justify your statement by saying that we could use electric cars... Well yes but again that would reduce our use of oil but where the electricity comes from is the not cause for the reduction in the use of foreign oil. Unless people start building oil fired plants to make the power for cars which would be dumb with all the natural gas we have.
6. You assume that Solar and Wind advocates will not lie to you... If they say that Solar and Wind will reduce our dependence on foreign oil it is a lie.
7. You assumed you knew the truth and were not willing to question it.... And I bet you pride yourself on being a skeptic and critical thinker...

Comment Re:Wait (Score 1) 153

You keep using that word but I do not think you know what it means.

Critical Thinking == "You should try this water it has smaller molecules so it hydrates you faster!". Ummmm No it doesn't smaller molecules and no it will not.

Cynical == most what people post in the comments of slashdot. It is almost and example of critical thinking or higher mental functioning.

Stupid == We need solar and wind to reduce our dependance on foreign oil.

Comment Re:Really? Mutant registration? (Score 3, Insightful) 493

" which were the treatment of Jews in Europe and of the Japanese in the US during WW2"
Talk about two vastly different levels.

The treatment of Americans of Japanese descent in the US was shameful.
The the treatment of the Jews by Nazi Germany was a Holocaust.

The sad thing is that treatment of Americans of Japanese descent has become so politicised that much of the history about it has been rewritten and many of the triggers are not taught because of fear that people will be accused of trying to justify it.

Comment Re:thank you Snowden (Score 1) 348

So change it. We do live in a democracy.
The fastest way for us to not live in a democracy is to let individuals decide they know best.
Snowden could have turned the info over senators on both sides of the isle. I have faith that at least one or two would have taken it up but without the dumping of all the sensitive info into the public.

Comment The correct term is Pathological Narcissist. (Score 5, Insightful) 1198

Really people you have it backwards the cause was no misogyny that is a symptom.
If this guy had been gay he would have hated men that did not want to sleep with him.
If this person had been a straight woman she would have hated men that would not sleep with her.
If this person had been a gay woman she would have hated women that would not sleep with her.

They key here is Narcissist. It is selfishness taken to a pathological level. People like that hate those that do not give them what they want.

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