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War Declared on Caps Lock Key 1230

pieterh writes "I've launched a campaign to rid the world of the caps lock key. Sure, there are more serious problems to solve but please, think of the children! How am I going to explain to my kids why some of the most valuable keyboard real estate is squatted by a large, useless key that above all you must not press! Our campaign mission is simple: to send a message to the computer industry to force it (by any means necessary) to retire the CAPS key. It's going to be a hard, long, and possibly very embarassing war on uppercase, but some things just need to be done. "
User Journal

Journal Journal: No wonder I can't get out of this chair... 6

Obviously no one else can do the work.

So, if you fail something over, you create a ticket. Nice, shiny, happy, ok. The ticket gets closed after the fail back, right? You know, at night, right after you have all the customers online. No? Well, just leave it for days.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Bummed... (Mostly a rant) 4

My knitting group self-destructed sometime Friday night.

We had a yahoo group, and recently, the missing moderator/owner appeared with a new list of "THIS IS WHERE WE MEET, NO CHANGES!" and "THESE ARE THE RULES! NO TALKING ABOUT ANYTHING BUT KNITTING!" Hardly the group I joined, where we all had a hand in deciding where to meet, and could talk about anything, but I thought, "whatever".

User Journal

Journal Journal: This time, with FEEEEELING 2

So, Ben & I were discussing voting on the 'Word of the Week' (it's a contest on dA -- see this url for more info about it). Slightly edited IM logs follow.

i voted for um... the wallpaper and the rose, i think

Hmm ,theres a fairytale for you
"The Wallpaper and the Rose"

once upon a time, there was a roll of wallpaper....

User Journal

Journal Journal: So, where the hell have I been? 14

I'm sure y'all were all wondering, and worried. NOT. :D

Well, I got back from vacation, slogged through 7 grueling days of work, and promptly got sick. WHEE. I'm feeling better today than I've felt in a week, and I'm still sounding like a freight train's rumble when I talk. BUT. We're going camping tonight with some friends from dA, and going for a hike tomorrow.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Which D&D Character?

Found in dominator2010's JE. I thought it would be interesting to take the quiz, since tabletop gaming is too slow and drawn-out for me to actually play.

I Am A: Chaotic Good Elf Ranger Bard

User Journal

Journal Journal: It could be... 22

We've all, by now, seen the saying that "it could by that the purpose of your life is to be a warning to others."

Yesterday, I experienced another, related truth. "it could be that the purpose of your child is to be birth control to the rest of the population".

I flew yesterday, for 3 hours, with a 4-year-old named Max kicking my goddamn seat and shrieking in the way that only children can. For. Three. Hours.

User Journal

Journal Journal: You know...

You know the feeling when you've done something stupid, and you're mad at yourself for feeling stupid, but then you feel stupid because you're mad at yourself for feeling stupid, but then you're mad at yourself for feeling stupid about feeling mad at yourself for feeling stupid?


It's like that.

I'm going to try to sleep. I'm on EDT time right now, and should be asleep.


Journal Journal: Deviancy... (deviantArt,) 4

Before and After.

Can you tell that Ben gave me a photoshop tutoring session? I think I've got more of a sense of what I need to do to my photos now, and I have the tools to do so. I like having the right tools and knowing how to use them.

User Journal

Journal Journal: fsck 9

That's what my shirt says.

I figure I've been a sysadmin long enough to wear the damned thing.


Journal Journal: Jason Mraz

So last night, we went to see Jason Mraz (and his band) at the Pike's Peak Center. We obviously were seated in front of the howler monkeys, as the girls behind us shrieked at every opportunity. One of them I thought was going to pass out, she was hyperventilating at every song he played. Well, duh he's playing a song, that's WHAT YOU BOUGHT THE TICKET TO SEE. Had he been stripping or doing interpretive dance, I'd have been worried.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Argh. July's gonna be busy... 6

Since I'm at work for another 16 minutes, I figured I'd tell y'all that July's gonna be a rough one. I thought June was bad, with all of its ups and downs. So, I'm at work, on the holiday, thinking about the rest of the month.

Let's start with the super-cool... I'm going to a concert tomorrow night. Yay! Jason Mraz is in Colorado Springs, and Ben & I are going to go and have fun. Of course, to do that, I'm trading my 8-6 shift with the 6-4 guy. So boo.

User Journal

Journal Journal: [fitness] Another 2 goals already? 4

For kicking ass these last 2 weeks, I rewarded myself by buying some cross-trainers. Now, for the new goals.

1. Ramp up the elliptical. I'm currently able to go 30 minutes on elevation #4. Yesterday, I went backwards 1 minute out of every 3 (because it works my legs differently, and makes the workout more interesting). I want to get to '7' in 2 weeks for at least half of my workout, as I'm at '4' now.

User Journal

Journal Journal: [fitness] 2 weeks, let's see how we did... 6

Exercise this week: 4 hours, 17 minutes

2-week goals

Breakfast every morning - met
10 minutes on the elliptical (stair thingy) - blown the fuck past. :D

I'm up to 30 minutes on the elliptical. At incline #3, well, #4 today (all 30 minutes). The little lights say that I'm working all of my legs. Glutes, hamstring, calves, and whatever the other ones are.

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