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Journal KshGoddess's Journal: [fitness] Another 2 goals already? 4

For kicking ass these last 2 weeks, I rewarded myself by buying some cross-trainers. Now, for the new goals.

1. Ramp up the elliptical. I'm currently able to go 30 minutes on elevation #4. Yesterday, I went backwards 1 minute out of every 3 (because it works my legs differently, and makes the workout more interesting). I want to get to '7' in 2 weeks for at least half of my workout, as I'm at '4' now.

2. More yoga. I've been doing yoga on Thursday mornings. I added Saturday morning this week. I'd like to be up to 4 days a week of "AM yoga" in 2 weeks. It's good for my back, and although I feel like a dork while doing it, I feel much better when I'm done.

These are do-able. I think I'm doing pretty well on the eating front. We went huge-ass grocery shopping on Thursday and our fridge, freezer, and pantry are full of good stuff. I haven't felt the need to have my afternoon snack for a couple of days. (Not that it's a good or bad thing, necessarily, just that I've not noticed myself with the mid-afternoon munchies.)

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[fitness] Another 2 goals already?

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  • eating well, and taking care of yourself always feels great :) too many goals can be problematic though, especially if they're not firmly rooted in reality. yeah you can feel great, yeah you can loose weight, but you should really try to focus mostly on how good you feel for doing this for yourself. i know that when i lost my focus on making myself feel better that my diet/exercise routine failed. i should have backed off and reeavaluated my goals when that happened, there was no logical reason for me to
  • What's an "elliptical"? Is it aerobic or aerobic exercise?

    My exercise tends to be limited to at most two hours of aerobic exercise, two nights a week.

    Oh, and I broke down and had a double-cheeseburger yesterday (er...this morning?). Normally, I don't like them. But it was 2AM, I was running on 5 hours of sleep that ended seventeen hours earlier, I'd moved 400 lbs of equipment, and I'd had at most 800 calories of food all day, most of it for beakfast. To my credit, I didn't go to sleep right away...I was
    • it's one of these [], probably that model. they say there's less perceived exertion for the time/effort. I work out Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday. I don't get home early enough on Sunday to do anything (rec center closes around the time i get off work), and Wednesday night is my night alone with ben (darcie goes to church). 30-45 minutes depending on how I feel.
    • It feels like riding a bicycle standing up. So you get the exercise half-way between jogging and stair-stepping.

      I'd use mine more if I had an iPod.

Disraeli was pretty close: actually, there are Lies, Damn lies, Statistics, Benchmarks, and Delivery dates.
